Assertion helpers

Testing mainly revolves around asserting that some behaviour, object or value, is working in an expected manner or with an expected result. With Craft introducing some key concepts the Craft module introduces it’s own set of assert / expect methods allowing you to write more concise and effective tests.

# assertElementsExist

This assert can be used to test that multiple elements exist in the database I.E as a result of code you have just executed. It accepts four arguments:

  • string $elementType what element type must these elements be of.
  • array $searchParameters the params that they must match (see below).
  • int $amount = 1 the amount of elements that must be found.
  • bool $searchAll = false whether anyStatus() and trashed(null) should be used when searching for possible Elements. Do so if you, for example, need to search for a newly created User who will have User::STATUS_DRAFT as applicable status.

Under the hood the Craft module will call $elementType::find() creating a craft\elements\db\ElementQuery. Then it will apply the $searchParameters with the $key being the property of the ElementQuery and $value what that property must be set to.

# assertTestFailed

This assert is useful for if you are providing support resources for developers who work with your module/plugin. I.E. if you provide an assert method of your own for an element type your module/plugin introduces. It accepts two arguments:

  • callable $callback a callable in which a test should fail (I.E $this->assertTrue(false)).
  • string $message = '' the message the test should fail with.

# expectEvent

Please see our separate page on events testing for everything you need to know about testing for events.

# assertPushedToQueue

See the separate page on queue testing for everything you need to know about testing the queue.