
Plugins can provide new utilities for the control panel’s Utilities section by creating a class that implements craft\base\UtilityInterface (opens new window) or extends craft\base\Utility (opens new window). A utility is typically used to surface information and controls for administrative features that aren’t tied to specific elements. Each registered utility gets its own permissions.

# Utility Class

Scaffold a utility with the generator:

php craft make utility --plugin=my-plugin

Answer the prompts, and generator will create the required class and register it via the appropriate events.

Alternatively, extending craft\base\Utility (opens new window) will provide all the non-essential methods—but you must still define those that identify your utility:

namespace mynamespace;

use Craft;
use craft\base\Utility;

class MyUtility extends Utility
    public static function displayName(): string
        return Craft::t('my-plugin', 'My Utility');

    public static function id(): string
        return 'my-utility';

    public static function iconPath(): ?string
        return Craft::getAlias('@my-plugin/icon.svg');

    public static function contentHtml(): string
        $view = Craft::$app->getView();

        return $view->renderTemplate('_utilities/my-utility.twig');

This utility would be accessible to any user with the correct permission at /admin/utilities/my-utility (or whatever the site’s cpTrigger is).

Refer to Craft’s own utility classes (located in vendor/craftcms/cms/src/utilities/, or the craft\utilities namespace) for more complete examples.


If your utility relies on any JavaScript or CSS, be sure and register the relevant asset bundles in contentHtml().

You may also implement static toolbarHtml() and footerHtml() methods to inject actions and metadata.

# Permissions

Each utility automatically gets its own permission. Craft checks these permissions before displaying a utility in the sidebar, and when the utility’s URL is requested.

However, those permissions do not have any bearing on what functionality might be accessible to a user via other means. For example, if your utility displayed a form to authorized users and allowed them to download a specialized report of some kind, the controller or action that ultimately generates the report must also check the appropriate permissions. In general, those permissions should be discrete: an administrator would grant users access to the utility and a Modify Widgets permission that your plugin explicitly defines (and checks in the appropriate controller action).

# Registering your Utility

Once you have created your utility class, you will need to register it with the Utilities service, so Craft will know about it when populating the list of available utility types:

namespace mynamespace\myplugin;

use craft\base\Plugin as BasePlugin;
use craft\events\RegisterComponentTypesEvent;
use craft\services\Utilities;
use yii\base\Event;

class Plugin extends BasePlugin
    public function init()
            function(RegisterComponentTypesEvent $event) {
                $event->types[] = MyUtility::class;

        // ...

    // ...