Continuous Integration (CI)

We have moved Craft’s automated testing to GitHub Actions. This page no longer reflects our current workflow (opens new window)!

There are many (opens new window) Continuous Integration (opens new window) platforms available to choose from.

Craft uses Travis (opens new window) for its public repo, but you’re free to use what you’re comfortable with and modify things to your workflow.

There are many options (opens new window) for configuring Travis, but let’s examine Craft’s .travis.yml file (opens new window).

  - mysql
  - postgresql

We want to run our tests against both PostgreSQL and MySQL since Craft supports both.

  fast_finish: true
  - php: 7.3
    env: DB=mysql
  - php: 7.3
    env: DB=pgsql
  - php: 7.2
    env: DB=mysql
  - php: 7.2
    env: DB=pgsql
  - php: 7.1
    env: TASK_TESTS_COVERAGE=1 DB=mysql
  - php: 7.1
    env: TASK_TESTS_COVERAGE=1 DB=pgsql

The matrix is where we explicitly define the different environments we want the tests to run in. That includes PHP 7.1 - 7.3 and we define an environment variable called DB that sets both mysql and pgsql we can use later.

PHP 7.1 also sets an environment variable called TASK_TESTS_COVERAGE we’ll use later because that’s the only environment we want code coverage reports to generate in (for performance reasons).

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  if [[ $TASK_TESTS_COVERAGE != 1 ]]; then
    # disable xdebug for performance reasons when code coverage is not needed.
    phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini || echo "xdebug is not installed"
  # install composer dependencies
  export PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"
  travis_retry composer install $DEFAULT_COMPOSER_FLAGS

If TASK_TESTS_COVERAGE isn’t set, we’re going to disable xDebug to speed things up. It’s only needed for generated code coverage reports in this context.

Then we composer install to pull down all of Craft’s dependencies.

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  # show some version and environment information
  php --version
  composer --version
  php -r "echo INTL_ICU_VERSION . \"\n\";"
  php -r "echo INTL_ICU_DATA_VERSION . \"\n\";"
  psql --version
  mysql --version
- travis_retry mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE `craft-test`;';
- psql -U postgres -c 'CREATE DATABASE "craft-test";';
- pear config-set preferred_state beta
- pecl channel-update
- yes | pecl install imagick
- cp tests/.env.example.$DB tests/.env

Before we run tests, we output some relevant debugging information to the console and then create a MySQL and PostgreSQL database called craft-test that the tests are going to use.

Then we install Imagick on the server as some image specific tests require it to complete.

- cp tests/.env.example.$DB tests/.env

Finally, for each build environment, we take the .env.example.mysql and .env.example.pgsql files that are in the root of the tests folder and copy them to tests/.env so the test environments know how to connect to each type of database.

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  if [[ $TASK_TESTS_COVERAGE != 1 ]]; then
    vendor/bin/codecept run unit
    mkdir -p build/logs
    vendor/bin/codecept run unit --coverage-xml coverage.xml;

If TASK_TESTS_COVERAGE is set, then we pass in the flags to Codeception to generate code coverage reports. If not, we just run the tests.

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  if [ $TASK_TESTS_COVERAGE == 1 ]; then
    bash <(curl -s

After tests are done executing, if TASK_TESTS_COVERAGE is set, we upload the code coverage reports to a third-party service, (opens new window).