
Behaviors (opens new window) are a feature of Yii Components (opens new window), and functionally similar to “mixins” in other frameworks or programming paradigms. A behavior can provide additional properties and methods to its owner, without needing to subclass or replace built-in components.

A behavior’s methods and properties are not actually defined on the owner, but accessed as part of Yii’s magic yii\base\Component::__get() (opens new window) and yii\base\Component::__call() (opens new window) implementations. We’ll follow this logic in the usage section, below.

Every class that extends craft\base\Model (opens new window) (in effect, virtually all core system components and data objects) automatically emits events that make it easy to attach custom behaviors at runtime. Some classes that don’t inherit from craft\base\Model follow a similar pattern (like craft\web\Controller (opens new window)) and emit an EVENT_DEFINE_BEHAVIORS event.

In this example, we’re going to give a subset of entries (within a “Posts” section) a special getAuthorUrl() method to standardize how we link to author indexes in our site’s front-end.

# Behavior Class

A behavior is a special type of class that extends yii\base\Behavior (opens new window), and defines methods or properties that you wish to make available on any object it is eventually attached to.

namespace mynamespace\myplugin\behaviors;

use craft\helpers\UrlHelper;
use yii\base\Behavior;

class Post extends Behavior
    public function getAuthorUrl(): ?string
        $author = $this->owner->getAuthor();

        if (!$author) {
            return null;

        return UrlHelper::siteUrl("authors/{$author->id}");

Your IDE may complain about the $owner property not having a getAuthor() method. You can “type-hint” this with a class-level docblock:

 * @property craft\elements\Entry $owner
class Post extends Behavior
    // ...

# Attachment

In your plugin’s init() method, register an event handler on craft\elements\Entry::EVENT_DEFINE_BEHAVIORS (opens new window):

use yii\base\Event;
use craft\elements\Entry;
use craft\events\DefineBehaviorsEvent;
use mynamespace\myplugin\behaviors\Post;

    function(DefineBehaviorsEvent $e) {
        $section = $e->sender->getSection();

        // Is it relevant to this entry?
        if ($section->handle !== 'blog') {

        $e->behaviors['post'] = Post::class;

Here, we’re only bothering to attach the behavior to entry elements that belong to the blog section.

This event registration signature is consistent across any class that emits the EVENT_DEFINE_BEHAVIORS event.

# Naming

A name is not required when attaching a behavior, but can become important if its methods or properties collide with those defined by the owner or another behavior. In the example above, we’re attaching the Post behavior as post, which will allow us to access it explicitly, in the future:

$url = $entry->getBehavior('post')->getAuthorUrl();

This also makes it possible to detach a behavior, should you no longer need it:


# Events

Behaviors can automatically bind events to their owners by defining an events() method and returning a map of event names (as keys) to methods (as values). This is a great way to collocate event handlers and functionality when they are already tightly coupled:

public function events()
    return [
        Entry::EVENT_SET_ROUTE => [$this, 'defineRoute'],

public function defineRoute(SetElementRouteEvent $event)
    $event->route = '...';

Handlers registered in this way will only receive events emitted by the owner. If you need to respond to events on all instances of a class, you will need to attach your behavior to every instance, or use a class-level event listener.

Read more about behaviors in the Yii guide (opens new window).

# Usage

With the behavior attached to a class, its properties and methods will be available everywhere that instance is used:

$url = $entry->getAuthorUrl();

That means you (or your plugin’s users) can take advantage of convenience features in their Twig templates, too:

{{ entry.getAuthorUrl() }}

# How it Works

We alluded to “magic” methods, earlier—these are special PHP features that allow classes to intercept attempts to access properties or call methods that don’t exist on it (or any of its parent classes) and handle them on a case-by-case basis (rather than immediately throwing an exception).

yii\base\Component (opens new window) implements a few of these:

This is called when accessing an undefined property. It receives the desired property name as an argument, and checks if any of the component’s behaviors define it, and returns that value.
This performs an equivalent function to __get(), but for methods. It receives the called method as an argument, and checks if it is defined by any attached behaviors.

Yii also uses __get() (and another magic method, __set()) to create “virtual” public properties. For example, a class may have a private $_data property, then implement getData() and setData() methods; it’s possible, then, to access $model->data or set $model->data = 'value' without there being a property

However: Yii will always attempt to resolve native getMyCustomProperty() and setMyCustomProperty() methods before looking for a myCustomProperty property on any attached behaviors. Special care should be taken when naming behavior properties so as to avoid conflicts or ambiguity when attached to a parent class. Should this be unavoidable, you can directly access a behavior via $class->getBehavior('behaviorName').

Consider accessing properties and calling methods of behaviors you own via their registered names, rather than magic methods.