Console Commands

The complete list of available commands will include those from any plugins or custom modules you’ve added to your project. Only those that are present by default in all Craft installations are listed below.

Run ddev craft help to see a list of commands your project supports.

# Global Options

All commands support the following options:

Explicitly enable or disable ANSI coloring in output. When omitted, color will only be used in environments that support it.
Displays help about the command, rather than running it. Alternative to php craft help controller/action.
Enable or disable interactive prompts for the command. When using the CLI in unattended or automated workflows (like CRON or deployments), consider setting --interactive=0.
Acquire a mutex lock (opens new window) before running the command to prevent simultaneous execution. Some commands (like migrate and project-config) have their own internal locking mechanism.
Force a nominal exit code (0), even if an exception occurred. Useful when inconsequential failures would otherwise block chained commands in automated environments.

# cache

Allows you to flush cache.

# cache/flush

Flushes given cache components.

For example,

# flushes caches specified by their id: "first", "second", "third"
yii cache/flush first second third

# cache/flush-all

Flushes all caches registered in the system.

# cache/flush-schema

Clears DB schema cache for a given connection component.

# clears cache schema specified by component id: "db"
yii cache/flush-schema db


id connection component

# cache

Lists the caches that can be flushed.

# clear-caches

Allows you to clear various Craft caches.

# clear-caches/all

Clear all caches.

# clear-caches/asset

Clears the caches.

# clear-caches/asset-indexing-data

Clears the caches.

# clear-caches/compiled-classes

Clears the caches.

# clear-caches/compiled-templates

Clears the caches.

# clear-caches/cp-resources

Clears the caches.

# clear-caches/data

Clears the caches.

# clear-caches

Lists the caches that can be cleared.

# clear-caches/temp-files

Clears the caches.

# clear-caches/transform-indexes

Clears the caches.

# clear-deprecations

# clear-deprecations

Clears all deprecation warnings.

# db

Performs database operations.

# db/backup

Creates a new database backup.


php craft db/backup ./my-backups/



The path the database backup should be created at. Can be any of the following:

  • A full file path
  • A folder path (backup will be saved in there with a dynamically-generated name)
  • A filename (backup will be saved in the working directory with the given name)
  • Blank (backup will be saved to the storage/backups/ folder with a dynamically-generated name)


Whether the backup should be saved as a zip file.
Whether to overwrite an existing backup file, if a specific file path is given.

# db/convert-charset

Converts tables’ character sets and collations. (MySQL only)


php craft db/convert-charset utf8 utf8_unicode_ci


The target character set, which honors DbConfig::$charset or defaults to utf8.
The target collation, which honors DbConfig::$collation or defaults to utf8_unicode_ci.

# db/drop-all-tables

Drops all tables in the database.


php craft db/drop-all-tables

# db/drop-table-prefix

Drops the database table prefix from all tables.


The current table prefix. If omitted, the prefix will be detected automatically.

# db/restore

Restores a database backup.


php craft db/restore ./my-backup.sql


The path to the database backup file.


Whether to drop all preexisting tables in the database prior to restoring the backup.

# elements

Manages elements.

# elements/delete

Deletes an element by its ID.


The element ID to delete.


Whether the element should be hard-deleted.

# elements/delete-all-of-type

Deletes all elements of a given type.


The element type to delete.


Whether to only do a dry run of the prune elements of type process.

# elements/restore

Restores an element by its ID.


The element ID to restore.

# entrify

Converts categories, tags, and global sets to entries.

# entrify/categories

Converts categories to entries.


The category group handle


The section handle that entries should be saved in
The entry type handle that entries should have
The author username or email that entries should have

# entrify/global-set

Converts a global set to a Single section.


The global set handle


The section handle that entries should be saved in

# entrify/tags

Converts tags to entries.


The tag group handle


The section handle that entries should be saved in
The entry type handle that entries should have
The author username or email that entries should have

# entry-types

# entry-types/merge

Merges two entry types.


handleA :

handleB :

# env

Sets or removes environment variables in the .env file.

# env/remove

Removes an environment variable from the .env file.

php craft env/remove CRAFT_DEV_MODE


name :

# env/set

Sets an environment variable in the .env file.

php craft env/set CRAFT_DEV_MODE true


name :

value :

# env/show

Displays the value of an environment variable, or sets its value if $name contains =.

php craft env CRAFT_DEV_MODE
php craft env CRAFT_DEV_MODE=true


name :

# exec

# exec/exec

Executes a PHP statement and outputs the result.


command :

# fields

Manages custom fields.

# fields/auto-merge

Finds fields with identical settings and merges them together.

# fields/merge

Merges two custom fields together.


handleA :

handleB :

# fixture

Allows you to manage test fixtures.

# fixture/load

Loads the specified fixture data.

For example,

# load the fixture data specified by User and UserProfile.
# any existing fixture data will be removed first
yii fixture/load "User, UserProfile"

# load all available fixtures found under 'tests\unit\fixtures'
yii fixture/load "*"

# load all fixtures except User and UserProfile
yii fixture/load "*, -User, -UserProfile"


fixturesInput :


--namespace, -n
default namespace to search fixtures in
--global-fixtures, -g
global fixtures that should be applied when loading and unloading. By default it is set to InitDbFixture that disables and enables integrity check, so your data can be safely loaded.

# fixture/unload

Unloads the specified fixtures.

For example,

# unload the fixture data specified by User and UserProfile.
yii fixture/unload "User, UserProfile"

# unload all fixtures found under 'tests\unit\fixtures'
yii fixture/unload "*"

# unload all fixtures except User and UserProfile
yii fixture/unload "*, -User, -UserProfile"


fixturesInput :


--namespace, -n
default namespace to search fixtures in
--global-fixtures, -g
global fixtures that should be applied when loading and unloading. By default it is set to InitDbFixture that disables and enables integrity check, so your data can be safely loaded.

# gc

# gc/run

Runs garbage collection.


Whether all soft-deleted items should be deleted, rather than just the ones that were deleted long enough ago to be ready for hard-deletion per the softDeleteDuration config setting.

# graphql

Allows you to manage GraphQL schemas.

# graphql/create-token

Creates a new authorization token for a schema.


The schema UUID


The schema name
Expiry date

# graphql/dump-schema

Dumps a given GraphQL schema to a file.


The GraphQL schema UUID.
The token to look up to determine the appropriate GraphQL schema.
Whether full schema should be printed or dumped.

# graphql/list-schemas

Lists all GraphQL schemas.

# graphql/print-schema

Prints a given GraphQL schema.


The GraphQL schema UUID.
The token to look up to determine the appropriate GraphQL schema.
Whether full schema should be printed or dumped.

# help

Provides help information about console commands.

# help

Displays available commands or the detailed information about a particular command.


The name of the command to show help about. If not provided, all available commands will be displayed.


--as-json, -j
Should the commands help be returned in JSON format?

# help/list

List all available controllers and actions in machine readable format. This is used for shell completion.

# help/list-action-options

List all available options for the $action in machine readable format. This is used for shell completion.


route to action

# help/usage

Displays usage information for $action.


route to action

# index-assets

Allows you to re-index assets in volumes.

# index-assets/all

Re-indexes assets across all volumes.


Whether remote-stored images should be locally cached in the process.
Whether to auto-create new asset records when missing.
Whether to delete all the asset records that have their files missing.
Whether empty folders should be deleted.

# index-assets/cleanup

Removes all CLI indexing sessions.

# index-assets/one

Re-indexes assets from the given volume handle.


The handle of the volume to index. You can optionally provide a volume sub-path, e.g. php craft index-assets/one volume-handle/path/to/folder.
Index of the asset to start with, which defaults to 0.


Whether remote-stored images should be locally cached in the process.
Whether to auto-create new asset records when missing.
Whether to delete all the asset records that have their files missing.
Whether empty folders should be deleted.

# install

Craft CMS CLI installer.

# install/check

Checks whether Craft is already installed.

# install/craft

Runs the install migration.


The default email address for the first user to create during install.
The default username for the first user to create during install.
The default password for the first user to create during install.
The default site name for the first site to create during install.
The default site URL for the first site to create during install.
The default language for the first site to create during install.

# invalidate-tags

Allows you to invalidate cache tags.

# invalidate-tags/all

Clear all caches.

# invalidate-tags/graphql

Invalidates caches with the configured tag.

# invalidate-tags

Lists the caches that can be cleared.

# invalidate-tags/template

Invalidates caches with the configured tag.

# mailer

# mailer/test

Tests sending an email with the current mailer settings.


Email address that should receive the test message.

# migrate

Manages Craft and plugin migrations.

# migrate/all

Runs all pending Craft, plugin, and content migrations.


Exclude pending content migrations.
Skip backing up the database.

# migrate/create

Creates a new migration.

This command creates a new migration using the available migration template. After using this command, developers should modify the created migration skeleton by filling up the actual migration logic.

craft migrate/create create_news_section

By default, the migration is created in the project’s migrations/ folder (as a “content migration”).
Use --plugin=<plugin-handle> to create a new plugin migration.
Use --type=app to create a new Craft CMS app migration.


the name of the new migration. This should only contain letters, digits, and underscores.



The migration track to work with (e.g. craft, content, plugin:commerce, etc.)

Defaults to content, or automatically set to the plugin’s track when --plugin is passed.

--plugin, -p

The handle of the plugin to use during migration operations, or the plugin itself.


the template file for generating new migrations. This can be either a path alias (opens new window) (e.g. "@app/migrations/template.php") or a file path.

# migrate/down

Downgrades the application by reverting old migrations.

For example,

yii migrate/down     # revert the last migration
yii migrate/down 3   # revert the last 3 migrations
yii migrate/down all # revert all migrations


the number of migrations to be reverted. Defaults to 1, meaning the last applied migration will be reverted. When value is "all", all migrations will be reverted.



The migration track to work with (e.g. craft, content, plugin:commerce, etc.)

Defaults to content, or automatically set to the plugin’s track when --plugin is passed.

--plugin, -p

The handle of the plugin to use during migration operations, or the plugin itself.

# migrate/history

Displays the migration history.

This command will show the list of migrations that have been applied so far. For example,

yii migrate/history     # showing the last 10 migrations
yii migrate/history 5   # showing the last 5 migrations
yii migrate/history all # showing the whole history


the maximum number of migrations to be displayed. If it is "all", the whole migration history will be displayed.



The migration track to work with (e.g. craft, content, plugin:commerce, etc.)

Defaults to content, or automatically set to the plugin’s track when --plugin is passed.

--plugin, -p

The handle of the plugin to use during migration operations, or the plugin itself.

# migrate/mark

Modifies the migration history to the specified version.

No actual migration will be performed.

yii migrate/mark 101129_185401                        # using timestamp
yii migrate/mark m101129_185401_create_user_table     # using full name
yii migrate/mark app\migrations\M101129185401CreateUser # using full namespace name
yii migrate/mark m000000_000000_base # reset the complete migration history


the version at which the migration history should be marked. This can be either the timestamp or the full name of the migration. You may specify the name m000000_000000_base to set the migration history to a state where no migration has been applied.



The migration track to work with (e.g. craft, content, plugin:commerce, etc.)

Defaults to content, or automatically set to the plugin’s track when --plugin is passed.

--plugin, -p

The handle of the plugin to use during migration operations, or the plugin itself.

# migrate/new

Displays the un-applied new migrations.

This command will show the new migrations that have not been applied. For example,

yii migrate/new     # showing the first 10 new migrations
yii migrate/new 5   # showing the first 5 new migrations
yii migrate/new all # showing all new migrations


the maximum number of new migrations to be displayed. If it is all, all available new migrations will be displayed.



The migration track to work with (e.g. craft, content, plugin:commerce, etc.)

Defaults to content, or automatically set to the plugin’s track when --plugin is passed.

--plugin, -p

The handle of the plugin to use during migration operations, or the plugin itself.

# migrate/redo

Redoes the last few migrations.

This command will first revert the specified migrations, and then apply them again. For example,

yii migrate/redo     # redo the last applied migration
yii migrate/redo 3   # redo the last 3 applied migrations
yii migrate/redo all # redo all migrations


the number of migrations to be redone. Defaults to 1, meaning the last applied migration will be redone. When equals "all", all migrations will be redone.



The migration track to work with (e.g. craft, content, plugin:commerce, etc.)

Defaults to content, or automatically set to the plugin’s track when --plugin is passed.

--plugin, -p

The handle of the plugin to use during migration operations, or the plugin itself.

# migrate/to

Upgrades or downgrades till the specified version.

Can also downgrade versions to the certain apply time in the past by providing a UNIX timestamp or a string parseable by the strtotime() function. This means that all the versions applied after the specified certain time would be reverted.

This command will first revert the specified migrations, and then apply them again. For example,

yii migrate/to 101129_185401                          # using timestamp
yii migrate/to m101129_185401_create_user_table       # using full name
yii migrate/to 1392853618                             # using UNIX timestamp
yii migrate/to "2014-02-15 13:00:50"                  # using strtotime() parseable string
yii migrate/to app\migrations\M101129185401CreateUser # using full namespace name


either the version name or the certain time value in the past that the application should be migrated to. This can be either the timestamp, the full name of the migration, the UNIX timestamp, or the parseable datetime string.



The migration track to work with (e.g. craft, content, plugin:commerce, etc.)

Defaults to content, or automatically set to the plugin’s track when --plugin is passed.

--plugin, -p

The handle of the plugin to use during migration operations, or the plugin itself.

# migrate/up

Upgrades Craft by applying new migrations.


php craft migrate     # apply all new migrations
php craft migrate 3   # apply the first 3 new migrations


The number of new migrations to be applied. If 0, every new migration will be applied.



The migration track to work with (e.g. craft, content, plugin:commerce, etc.)

Defaults to content, or automatically set to the plugin’s track when --plugin is passed.

--plugin, -p

The handle of the plugin to use during migration operations, or the plugin itself.

# off

# off

Disables project config value—bypassing any allowAdminChanges config setting restrictions—meant for temporary use during the deployment process.



Number of seconds the Retry-After HTTP header should be set to for 503 responses.

The “Retry Duration” general setting can be used to configure a system-wide Retry-After header.

The isSystemLive config setting takes precedence over the project config value, so if config/general.php sets isSystemLive to true or false these on/off commands error out.


Running the following takes the system offline and returns 503 responses until it’s switched on again:

$ php craft off --retry=60
The system is now offline.
The retry duration is now set to 60.

# on

# on

Turns the system on.


$ php craft on
The system is now online.

# pc

Alias of project-config.

# pc/apply

Applies project config file changes.


Whether every entry change should be force-applied.
Whether to reduce the command output.

# pc/diff

Outputs a diff of the pending project config YAML changes.


Whether to treat the loaded project config as the source of truth, instead of the YAML files.

# pc/export

Exports the entire project config to a single file.



The path the project config should be exported to. Can be any of the following:

  • A full file path
  • A folder path (export will be saved in there with a dynamically-generated name)
  • A filename (export will be saved in the working directory with the given name)
  • Blank (export will be saved in the working directly with a dynamically-generated name)


Whether to pull values from the project config YAML files instead of the loaded config.
Whether to overwrite an existing export file, if a specific file path is given.

# pc/get

Outputs a project config value.


php craft project-config/get system.edition

The “path” syntax used here may be composed of directory and filenames (within your config/project folder), YAML object keys (including UUIDs for many Craft resources), and integers (referencing numerically-indexed arrays), joined by a dot (.):


The config item path


Whether to pull values from the project config YAML files instead of the loaded config.

# pc/rebuild

Rebuilds the project config.

# pc/remove

Removes a project config value.


php craft project-config/remove some.nested.key

This should only be used when the equivalent change is not possible through the control panel or other Craft APIs. By directly modifying project config values, you are bypassing all validation and can easily destabilize configuration.

As with set, removing values only updates the root dateModified key when using the --update-timestamp flag. If you do not include this flag, you must run project-config/touch before changes will be detected or applied in other environments!


The config item path

# pc/set

Sets a project config value.


php craft project-config/set some.nested.key

See get for the accepted key formats.

This should only be used when the equivalent change is not possible through the control panel or other Craft APIs. By directly modifying project config values, you are bypassing all validation and can easily destabilize configuration.

Values are updated in the database and in your local YAML files, but the root dateModified project config property is only touched when using the --update-timestamp flag. If you do not update the timestamp along with the value, the change may not be detected or applied in other environments!


The config item path
The config item value as a valid YAML string


Whether every entry change should be force-applied.
A message describing the changes.
Whether the dateModified value should be updated

# pc/touch

Updates the dateModified value in config/project/project.yaml, attempting to resolve a Git conflict for it.

# pc/write

Writes out the currently-loaded project config as YAML files to the config/project/ folder, discarding any pending YAML changes.

# plugin

Manages plugins.

# plugin/disable

Disables a plugin.


The plugin handle (omitted if --all provided).


Whether the action should be run for all Composer-installed plugins.

# plugin/enable

Enables a plugin.


The plugin handle (omitted if --all provided).


Whether the action should be run for all Composer-installed plugins.

# plugin/install

Installs a plugin.


The plugin handle (omitted if --all provided).


Whether the action should be run for all Composer-installed plugins.

# plugin/list

Lists all plugins.

# plugin/uninstall

Uninstalls a plugin.


The plugin handle (omitted if --all provided).


Whether the plugin uninstallation should be forced.
Whether the action should be run for all Composer-installed plugins.

# project-config

Manages the Project Config.

# project-config/apply

Applies project config file changes.


Whether every entry change should be force-applied.
Whether to reduce the command output.

# project-config/diff

Outputs a diff of the pending project config YAML changes.


Whether to treat the loaded project config as the source of truth, instead of the YAML files.

# project-config/export

Exports the entire project config to a single file.



The path the project config should be exported to. Can be any of the following:

  • A full file path
  • A folder path (export will be saved in there with a dynamically-generated name)
  • A filename (export will be saved in the working directory with the given name)
  • Blank (export will be saved in the working directly with a dynamically-generated name)


Whether to pull values from the project config YAML files instead of the loaded config.
Whether to overwrite an existing export file, if a specific file path is given.

# project-config/get

Outputs a project config value.


php craft project-config/get system.edition

The “path” syntax used here may be composed of directory and filenames (within your config/project folder), YAML object keys (including UUIDs for many Craft resources), and integers (referencing numerically-indexed arrays), joined by a dot (.):


The config item path


Whether to pull values from the project config YAML files instead of the loaded config.

# project-config/rebuild

Rebuilds the project config.

# project-config/remove

Removes a project config value.


php craft project-config/remove some.nested.key

This should only be used when the equivalent change is not possible through the control panel or other Craft APIs. By directly modifying project config values, you are bypassing all validation and can easily destabilize configuration.

As with set, removing values only updates the root dateModified key when using the --update-timestamp flag. If you do not include this flag, you must run project-config/touch before changes will be detected or applied in other environments!


The config item path

# project-config/set

Sets a project config value.


php craft project-config/set some.nested.key

See get for the accepted key formats.

This should only be used when the equivalent change is not possible through the control panel or other Craft APIs. By directly modifying project config values, you are bypassing all validation and can easily destabilize configuration.

Values are updated in the database and in your local YAML files, but the root dateModified project config property is only touched when using the --update-timestamp flag. If you do not update the timestamp along with the value, the change may not be detected or applied in other environments!


The config item path
The config item value as a valid YAML string


Whether every entry change should be force-applied.
A message describing the changes.
Whether the dateModified value should be updated

# project-config/touch

Updates the dateModified value in config/project/project.yaml, attempting to resolve a Git conflict for it.

# project-config/write

Writes out the currently-loaded project config as YAML files to the config/project/ folder, discarding any pending YAML changes.

# queue

Manages the queue.

# queue/exec

Executes a job. The command is internal, and used to isolate a job execution. Manual usage is not provided.


of a message
time to reserve
of a worker


--verbose, -v
verbose mode of a job execute. If enabled, execute result of each job will be printed.

# queue/info

Info about queue status.

# queue/listen

Listens for new jobs added to the queue and runs them.


The number of seconds to wait between cycles.


--verbose, -v
verbose mode of a job execute. If enabled, execute result of each job will be printed.
isolate mode. It executes a job in a child process.
path to php interpreter that uses to run child processes. If it is undefined, PHP_BINARY will be used.

# queue/release

Releases job(s) from the queue.


php craft queue/release all


The job ID to release. Pass all to release all jobs.

# queue/retry

Re-adds a failed job(s) to the queue.


The job ID that should be retried, or all to retry all failed jobs.

# queue/run

Runs all jobs in the queue.


The job ID to run
--verbose, -v
verbose mode of a job execute. If enabled, execute result of each job will be printed.
isolate mode. It executes a job in a child process.
path to php interpreter that uses to run child processes. If it is undefined, PHP_BINARY will be used.

# resave

Allows you to bulk-save elements.

# resave/addresses

Re-saves user addresses.



Whether the elements should be resaved via a queue job.


The ID(s) of the elements to resave.


The UUID(s) of the elements to resave.


The site handle to fetch elements from.


The status(es) of elements to resave. Can be set to multiple comma-separated statuses.


The number of elements to skip.


The number of elements to resave.


Whether to update the search indexes for the resaved elements.


Whether to update the dateUpdated timestamp for the elements.


Comma-separated list of owner element IDs.


Comma-separated list of country codes.


Only resave elements that have custom fields with these global field handles.


An attribute name that should be set for each of the elements. The value will be determined by --to.


The value that should be set on the --set attribute.

The following value types are supported:

  • An attribute name: --to myCustomField
  • An object template: --to "={myCustomField|lower}"
  • A raw value: --to "=foo bar"
  • A PHP arrow function: --to "fn(\$element) => \$element->callSomething()"
  • An empty value: --to :empty:

Whether the --set attribute should only be set if it doesn’t have a value.


Whether the --set attribute should only be set if the current value doesn’t validate.

# resave/all

Runs all other resave/* commands.



Whether the elements should be resaved via a queue job.


The ID(s) of the elements to resave.


The UUID(s) of the elements to resave.


The site handle to fetch elements from.


The status(es) of elements to resave. Can be set to multiple comma-separated statuses.


The number of elements to skip.


The number of elements to resave.


Whether to update the search indexes for the resaved elements.


Whether to update the dateUpdated timestamp for the elements.


Only resave elements that have custom fields with these global field handles.


An attribute name that should be set for each of the elements. The value will be determined by --to.


The value that should be set on the --set attribute.

The following value types are supported:

  • An attribute name: --to myCustomField
  • An object template: --to "={myCustomField|lower}"
  • A raw value: --to "=foo bar"
  • A PHP arrow function: --to "fn(\$element) => \$element->callSomething()"
  • An empty value: --to :empty:

Whether the --set attribute should only be set if it doesn’t have a value.


Whether the --set attribute should only be set if the current value doesn’t validate.

# resave/assets

Re-saves assets.



Whether the elements should be resaved via a queue job.


The ID(s) of the elements to resave.


The UUID(s) of the elements to resave.


The site handle to fetch elements from.


The status(es) of elements to resave. Can be set to multiple comma-separated statuses.


The number of elements to skip.


The number of elements to resave.


Whether to update the search indexes for the resaved elements.


Whether to update the dateUpdated timestamp for the elements.


The volume handle(s) to save assets from. Can be set to multiple comma-separated volumes.


Only resave elements that have custom fields with these global field handles.


An attribute name that should be set for each of the elements. The value will be determined by --to.


The value that should be set on the --set attribute.

The following value types are supported:

  • An attribute name: --to myCustomField
  • An object template: --to "={myCustomField|lower}"
  • A raw value: --to "=foo bar"
  • A PHP arrow function: --to "fn(\$element) => \$element->callSomething()"
  • An empty value: --to :empty:

Whether the --set attribute should only be set if it doesn’t have a value.


Whether the --set attribute should only be set if the current value doesn’t validate.

# resave/categories

Re-saves categories.



Whether the elements should be resaved via a queue job.


The ID(s) of the elements to resave.


The UUID(s) of the elements to resave.


The site handle to fetch elements from.


The status(es) of elements to resave. Can be set to multiple comma-separated statuses.


The number of elements to skip.


The number of elements to resave.


Whether to update the search indexes for the resaved elements.


Whether to update the dateUpdated timestamp for the elements.


The group handle(s) to save categories/tags/users from. Can be set to multiple comma-separated groups.


Only resave elements that have custom fields with these global field handles.


An attribute name that should be set for each of the elements. The value will be determined by --to.


The value that should be set on the --set attribute.

The following value types are supported:

  • An attribute name: --to myCustomField
  • An object template: --to "={myCustomField|lower}"
  • A raw value: --to "=foo bar"
  • A PHP arrow function: --to "fn(\$element) => \$element->callSomething()"
  • An empty value: --to :empty:

Whether the --set attribute should only be set if it doesn’t have a value.


Whether the --set attribute should only be set if the current value doesn’t validate.

# resave/entries

Re-saves entries.



Whether the elements should be resaved via a queue job.


Whether to resave element drafts. Set to null if all elements should be resaved regardless of whether they’re drafts.


Whether to resave provisional element drafts. Set to null if all elements should be resaved regardless of whether they’re provisional drafts.


Whether to resave element revisions. Set to null if all elements should be resaved regardless of whether they’re revisions.


The ID(s) of the elements to resave.


The UUID(s) of the elements to resave.


The site handle to fetch elements from.


Comma-separated site handles to propagate entries to.

When this is set, the entry will only be saved for this site.


The status(es) of elements to resave. Can be set to multiple comma-separated statuses.


The number of elements to skip.


The number of elements to resave.


Whether to update the search indexes for the resaved elements.


Whether to update the dateUpdated timestamp for the elements.


The section handle(s) to save entries from. Can be set to multiple comma-separated sections.


Whether all sections’ entries should be saved.


The type handle(s) of the elements to resave.


The field handle to save nested entries for.


Comma-separated list of owner element IDs.


Only resave elements that have custom fields with these global field handles.


An attribute name that should be set for each of the elements. The value will be determined by --to.


The site-enabled status that should be set on the entry, for the site it’s initially being saved/propagated to.


The value that should be set on the --set attribute.

The following value types are supported:

  • An attribute name: --to myCustomField
  • An object template: --to "={myCustomField|lower}"
  • A raw value: --to "=foo bar"
  • A PHP arrow function: --to "fn(\$element) => \$element->callSomething()"
  • An empty value: --to :empty:

Whether the --set attribute should only be set if it doesn’t have a value.


Whether the --set attribute should only be set if the current value doesn’t validate.

# resave/tags

Re-saves tags.



Whether the elements should be resaved via a queue job.


The ID(s) of the elements to resave.


The UUID(s) of the elements to resave.


The site handle to fetch elements from.


The status(es) of elements to resave. Can be set to multiple comma-separated statuses.


The number of elements to skip.


The number of elements to resave.


Whether to update the search indexes for the resaved elements.


Whether to update the dateUpdated timestamp for the elements.


The group handle(s) to save categories/tags/users from. Can be set to multiple comma-separated groups.


Only resave elements that have custom fields with these global field handles.


An attribute name that should be set for each of the elements. The value will be determined by --to.


The value that should be set on the --set attribute.

The following value types are supported:

  • An attribute name: --to myCustomField
  • An object template: --to "={myCustomField|lower}"
  • A raw value: --to "=foo bar"
  • A PHP arrow function: --to "fn(\$element) => \$element->callSomething()"
  • An empty value: --to :empty:

Whether the --set attribute should only be set if it doesn’t have a value.


Whether the --set attribute should only be set if the current value doesn’t validate.

# resave/users

Re-saves users.



Whether the elements should be resaved via a queue job.


The ID(s) of the elements to resave.


The UUID(s) of the elements to resave.


The site handle to fetch elements from.


The status(es) of elements to resave. Can be set to multiple comma-separated statuses.


The number of elements to skip.


The number of elements to resave.


Whether to update the search indexes for the resaved elements.


Whether to update the dateUpdated timestamp for the elements.


The group handle(s) to save categories/tags/users from. Can be set to multiple comma-separated groups.


Only resave elements that have custom fields with these global field handles.


An attribute name that should be set for each of the elements. The value will be determined by --to.


The value that should be set on the --set attribute.

The following value types are supported:

  • An attribute name: --to myCustomField
  • An object template: --to "={myCustomField|lower}"
  • A raw value: --to "=foo bar"
  • A PHP arrow function: --to "fn(\$element) => \$element->callSomething()"
  • An empty value: --to :empty:

Whether the --set attribute should only be set if it doesn’t have a value.


Whether the --set attribute should only be set if the current value doesn’t validate.

# sections

Manages sections.

# sections/create

Creates a section.


The section name.
The section handle.
The section type (single, channel, or structure).
Whether to disable versioning for the section.
Comma-separated list of entry type handles to assign to the section.
The entry URI format to set for each site.
The template to load when an entry’s URL is requested.
The category group handle to model the section from.
The tag group handle to model the section from.
The global set handle to model the section from.

# sections/delete

Deletes a section.


The section handle

# serve

# serve

Runs PHP built-in web server.


address to serve on. Either "host" or "host:port".


--docroot, -t
path or path alias (opens new window) of the directory to serve.

--router, -r :

--port, -p
port to serve on.

# setup

Craft CMS setup installer.

# setup/app-id

Generates a new application ID and saves it in the .env file.

# setup/cloud

Prepares the Craft install to be deployed to Craft Cloud.

# setup/db

Alias for setup/db-creds.


The database driver to use. Either 'mysql' for MySQL or 'pgsql' for PostgreSQL.
The database server name or IP address. Usually 'localhost' or ''.
The database server port. Defaults to 3306 for MySQL and 5432 for PostgreSQL.
The database username to connect with.
The database password to connect with.
The name of the database to select.
The schema that Postgres is configured to use by default (PostgreSQL only).
The table prefix to add to all database tables. This can be no more than 5 characters, and must be all lowercase.

# setup/db-cache-table

Creates a database table for storing DB caches.

# setup/db-creds

Stores new DB connection settings to the .env file.


The database driver to use. Either 'mysql' for MySQL or 'pgsql' for PostgreSQL.
The database server name or IP address. Usually 'localhost' or ''.
The database server port. Defaults to 3306 for MySQL and 5432 for PostgreSQL.
The database username to connect with.
The database password to connect with.
The name of the database to select.
The schema that Postgres is configured to use by default (PostgreSQL only).
The table prefix to add to all database tables. This can be no more than 5 characters, and must be all lowercase.

# setup

Sets up all the things.

This is an interactive wrapper for the setup/app-id, setup/security-key, setup/db-creds, and install commands, each of which support being run non-interactively.

# setup/keys

Generates an application ID and security key (if they don’t exist), and saves them in the .env file.

# setup/message-tables

Creates database tables for storing message translations. (EXPERIMENTAL!)

# setup/php-session-table

Creates a database table for storing PHP session information.

# setup/security-key

Generates a new security key and saves it in the .env file.

# setup/welcome

Called from the post-create-project-cmd Composer hook.

# shell

# shell

Runs interactive shell


include file(s) before starting tinker shell

# tests

# tests/setup

Sets up a test suite for the current project.


The folder that the test suite should be generated in. Defaults to the current working directory.

# up

# up

Runs pending migrations and applies pending project config changes.


Skip backing up the database.

# update

Updates Craft and plugins.

# update/composer-install

Installs dependencies based on the current composer.json & composer.lock.

# update/info

Displays info about available updates.

# update/update

Updates Craft and/or plugins.


The update handle (all, craft, or a plugin handle). You can pass multiple handles separated by spaces, and you can update to a specific version using the syntax <handle>:<version>.



Whether to update expired licenses.

NOTE: This will result in “License purchase required” messages in the control panel on public domains, until the licenses have been renewed.


Whether only minor updates should be applied.


Whether only patch updates should be applied.


Plugin handles to exclude

--force, -f

Force the update if allowUpdates is disabled


Backup the database before updating


Run new database migrations after completing the update

# users

Manages user accounts.

# users/activation-url

Generates an activation URL for a pending user.


The ID, username, or email address of the user account.

# users/create

Creates a user.


The user’s email address.
The user’s username.
The user’s new password.
Whether the user should be an admin.
The group handles to assign the created user to.
The group IDs to assign the user to the created user to.

# users/delete

Deletes a user.


The ID, username, or email address of the user account.


The email or username of the user to inherit content when deleting a user.
Whether to delete the user’s content if no inheritor is specified.
Whether the user should be hard-deleted immediately, instead of soft-deleted.

# users/impersonate

Generates a URL to impersonate a user.


The ID, username, or email address of the user account.

# users/list-admins

Lists admin users.

# users/logout-all

Logs all users out of the system.

# users/password-reset-url

Generates a password reset URL for a user.


The ID, username, or email address of the user account.

# users/remove-2fa

Removes user's two-step verification method(s)


The ID, username, or email address of the user account.

# users/set-password

Changes a user’s password.


The ID, username, or email address of the user account.


The user’s new password.

# users/unlock

Unlocks a user's account.


The ID, username, or email address of the user account.

# utils/ascii-filenames

# utils/ascii-filenames

Converts all non-ASCII asset filenames to ASCII.

# utils/delete-empty-volume-folders

# utils/delete-empty-volume-folders

Deletes empty volume folders.


The volume handle(s) to delete folders from. Can be set to multiple comma-separated volumes.

# utils/fix-element-uids

# utils/fix-element-uids

Ensures all elements UIDs are unique.

# utils/fix-field-layout-uids

# utils/fix-field-layout-uids

Fixes any duplicate UUIDs found within field layout components in the project config.

# utils/prune-orphaned-entries

# utils/prune-orphaned-entries

Prunes orphaned entries for each site.

# utils/prune-provisional-drafts

# utils/prune-provisional-drafts

Prunes provisional drafts for elements that have more than one per user.


Whether this is a dry run.

# utils/prune-revisions

# utils/prune-revisions

Prunes excess element revisions.


The section handle(s) to prune revisions from. Can be set to multiple comma-separated sections.
The maximum number of revisions an element can have.
Whether this is a dry run.

# utils/repair

Repairs data.

# utils/repair/category-group-structure

Repairs structure data for a category group.


The category group handle.


Whether to only do a dry run of the repair process.

# utils/repair/project-config

Repairs double-packed associative arrays in the project config.


Whether to only do a dry run of the repair process.

# utils/repair/section-structure

Repairs structure data for a section.


The section handle.


Whether to only do a dry run of the repair process.

# utils/update-usernames

# utils/update-usernames

Updates all users’ usernames to ensure they match their email address.

Parts of this page are generated or assembled by automations. While we greatly appreciate contributions to the documentation, reporting automated content issues will allow us to fix them at the source!