Custom Field Types

Craft has over 20 built-in field types that help create tightly-tailored authoring and developer experiences.

Fields + Content
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Field Type Description
Addresses Manage nested address elements.
Assets Relate asset elements.
Categories Relate category elements.
Checkboxes Choose one or more predefined options using checkbox inputs.
Color Pick a color with your platform’s native color picker—or provide a hexadecimal value.
Country Choose from a list of countries in a select menu.
Date/Time Set a date, time, and timezone (optional).
Dropdown Choose a single item from a predefined list using a select menu.
Email Validate input as an email address.
Entries Relate entry elements.
Icon Pick from a palette of icons from FontAwesome (opens new window).
Lightswitch Choose an on or off value using a switch.
Link Define a link to an internal or external resource.
Matrix Create nested entries from a list of allowed entry types.
Money Store a value in a specific currency.
Multi-Select Choose one or more options via a tag-like Selectize (opens new window) input.
Number Store a numeric value.
Plain-Text Basic input for any kind of textual value.
Radio-Buttons Choose one option from a predefined list. Equivalent to the Dropdown field.
Range Pick a number with a visual slider.
Table Store repeating rows of simple values.
Tags Relate tag elements.
Time Choose a time without a date.
Users Relate user elements.