General Configuration

This document is for a version of Craft Commerce that is no longer supported. Please refer to the latest version →

In addition to the settings available in CommerceSettings, the config items below can be placed into a commerce.php file in your craft/config/ folder. Use the same format as config/general.php. You may define it in one of the environment config arrays, depending on which environment(s) you want the setting to apply to.

For example, if you want to change the Commerce inactive carts duration in dev environments, but not on staging or production environments, do this:



return [
    // Global settings
    '*' => [
        // ...

    // Dev environment settings
    'dev' => [
        'purgeInactiveCartsDuration' => P1D,
        // ...

    // Staging environment settings
    'staging' => [
        // ...

    // Production environment settings
    'production' => [
        // ...

Here’s the full list of config settings that Commerce supports:

# autoSetNewCartAddresses

Determines whether the customer’s last used shipping and billing addresses should automatically be set on new carts.

Default: true

# activeCartDuration

A duration interval (opens new window) that determines how long a cart should go without being updated before it is listed as inactive in the Orders index page.

Default: 'PT1H' (1 hour)

# gatewayPostRedirectTemplate

The path to the template that should be used to perform POST requests to offsite payment gateways.

The template must contain a form that posts to the URL supplied by the actionUrl variable, and outputs all hidden inputs with the inputs variable.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<body onload="document.forms[0].submit();">
<form action="{{ actionUrl }}" method="post">
  <p>Redirecting to payment page...</p>
    {{ inputs|raw }}
    <input type="submit" value="Continue">

Since this template is simply used for redirecting, it only appears for a few seconds, so we suggest making it load fast with minimal images and inline styles to reduce HTTP requests.

A barebones template is used by default if this setting isn’t set.

# mergeLastCartOnLogin

Determines whether a user’s previous cart should be merged with the active cart after they log in.

Default: true

# pdfAllowRemoteImages

Determines whether order PDFs can include remote images.

Default false

# pdfPaperSize

The size of the paper to use for generated order PDFs. A full list of paper size values can be found here (opens new window).

Default: 'letter'

# pdfPaperOrientation

The orientation of the paper to use for generated order PDF files. Valid values are 'portrait' or 'landscape'.

Default: 'portrait'

# purgeInactiveCarts

Whether Commerce should automatically delete inactive carts from the database during garbage collection.

Default: true

You can control how long a cart should go without being updated before it gets deleted purgeInactiveCartsDuration setting.

# purgeInactiveCartsDuration

A duration interval (opens new window) that determines how long a cart should go without being updated before it gets deleted during garbage collection.

Default: 'P3M' (3 months)

# requireBillingAddressAtCheckout

Determines whether a billing address is required before making a payment on an order.

Default: false

# requireShippingAddressAtCheckout

Determines whether a shipping address is required before making a payment on an order.

Default: false

# requireShippingMethodSelectionAtCheckout

Determines whether a shipping method selection is required before making a payment on an order.

Default: false

# updateBillingDetailsUrl

The URL for a user to resolve billing issues with their subscription.

Default: ''

The example templates folder contains an example of this page. It can be found at templates/shop/services/update-billing-details.html

# useBillingAddressForTax

Determines whether taxes should be calculated based on the billing address, as opposed to the shipping address.

Default: false (use the shipping address)