
With Craft Commerce, a Customer is a model representing a person who may place an order.

That person could have placed an order as a guest, or as a registered user with an associated Craft user account for logging in and placing orders with saved information.

Every Craft user has a customer record by default, even if that user has never created an order.

The 1:1 user-to-customer relationship is new to Craft Commerce 3. A migration from Commerce 2 will create a new customer record for any existing Craft user that doesn’t already have one.

# Customer List

Customers can be found in the control panel by navigating to CommerceCustomers.

The customer list is a paginated data set of all customers in the system linked to a user or having completed orders. The customer list can be searched by name, email, address, and order reference number.

Customers having user accounts will appear with a link to the respective Craft user in the listing table.

Choose any customer’s email address to see more information.

# Customer

The customer view will show you important information about the customer. The details on this page are the same as those on the customer info tab.

# User Customer Info Tab

A “Customer Info” tab will be available on each user account page in the control panel containing the following information:

  • Orders: list of previous orders for the customer.
  • Active Carts: list of the customer’s active carts based on the activeCartDuration setting.
  • Inactive Carts: list of the customer’s inactive carts based on the activeCartDuration setting.
  • Addresses: list of the customer’s addresses, which can be edited and deleted.
  • Subscriptions: list of the customer’s subscriptions.

This tab is shown by default but you can control its visibility with the Commerce::$showCustomerInfoTab setting.

# Customers and Users

A customer with saved login information also has a Craft user account—but not all customers have user accounts.

Unlike a Craft user, a customer may be a guest without saved login information and thus not have a user account.

Every Craft user, however, has a customer record by default. This is true even if the user has never created an order.

The 1:1 user-to-customer relationship is new to Commerce 3. A migration from Commerce 2 will create a new customer record for any existing Craft user that doesn’t already have one.

Commerce consolidates customers by email address on order completion.

# Customer Flow

# Guest Checkout

If someone visits the store and checks out as a guest, a new customer record is saved and related to the order.

If there’s already a customer record with the same email address, the order will be associated with the original customer record and the new orphaned one will be marked for garbage collection.

If the guest’s email address matches a Craft user account, the order will be associated with that user instead—via that user’s customer record—and appear in that user’s order history.

# User Checkout

If the customer is logged in, the order will be associated with that user the moment the cart is created and on through completion.

# Guest Into User

A customer can register for an account before or after checkout using a normal Craft user registration form (opens new window).

You can also offer the option to register a user account during the checkout process by setting the registerUserOnOrderComplete order property to true. (See the Update Cart Customer page for examples.)

If a customer chooses to register an account on order completion, a Craft user account is created and the customer is emailed an activation link. Commerce requires several conditions to be met before creating the account:

  • The store must be using Commerce Pro.
  • The customer must be a guest and not a logged-in user.
  • The order cannot already be associated with a user account.
  • There cannot already be a user account with the email address used on the order.
  • The order must have an email address—which likely would have been caught earlier in the checkout process.

If any of the above fail, the user account will not be created; errors will be logged but not displayed or returned.

The Commerce example templates (opens new window) display a “Register me for a user account” checkbox at the payment stage—but only if a user account doesn’t already exist for the email address on the cart:

{# Get a user account using the same email address as the cart #}
{% set user = %}
{% if not user %}
  <label for="registerUserOnOrderComplete">
    <input type="checkbox" name="registerUserOnOrderComplete" value="1" />
    {{ "Register me for a user account"|t }}
{% endif %}