Template Hooks

Commerce adds its own template hooks in addition to Craft’s.

# Control Panel Template Hooks

Hook Description & Template
cp.commerce.discount.edit After discount detail view’s “Enabled” field.
promotions/discounts/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.discounts.edit.content After discount detail view’s main content.
promotions/discounts/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.discounts.edit.details After discount detail view’s existing right sidebar details column.
promotions/discounts/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.discounts.edit Before discount detail view’s template blocks.
promotions/discounts/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.discounts.index After discounts index view’s main content.
promotions/discounts/index.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.customers.edit Before customer edit view’s template blocks.
customers/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.customers.edit.content After existing customer edit view’s content.
customers/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.customers.edit.details After existing customer edit view’s right sidebar details.
customers/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.order.edit Before order edit view’s template blocks.
orders/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.order.edit.details After existing order edit view’s right sidebar details.
orders/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.order.edit.main-pane After existing content within order edit view’s “Order Details” tab.
orders/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.product.edit.content After product detail view’s custom fields.
products/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.product.edit.details After existing product detail view’s right sidebar details.
products/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.sales.edit.content After sale detail view’s main content.
promotions/sales/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.sales.edit.details After sale detail view’s existing right sidebar details column.
promotions/sales/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.sales.edit Before sale detail view’s template blocks.
promotions/sales/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.sales.index After sales index view’s main content.
promotions/sales/index.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.subscriptions.edit.content After the last .pane in subscription detail view’s content block.
subscriptions/_edit.html (opens new window)
cp.commerce.subscriptions.edit.meta After the discount detail view’s existing right sidebar details.
subscriptions/_edit.html (opens new window)