Hooks and Events

This document is for a version of Craft CMS that is no longer supported. Please refer to the latest version →

There are two ways for plugins to be invoked at different points in the core code, or in another plugin’s code: hooks and events.

# What’s the difference?

Hooks allow a plugin to interact with the code that called it. They are called with the assumption that data will be returned, and the originating code will usually loop through the returned data immediately after calling the hook.

Events, on the other hand, are only called to announce when a particular action has taken place. They give plugins an opportunity to run their own event-handling logic at that point, without directly affecting the originating code in any way.

# Hooks

# Latching onto Hooks

To latch onto a hook, all you need to do is add a new method to your plugin’s primary class with the same name as the hook.

function registerCpRoutes()
    return array(
        'cocktails/new'               => 'cocktails/_edit',
        'cocktails/(?P<widgetId>\d+)' => 'cocktails/_edit',

# Creating Hooks

To create a hook, just call craft()->plugins->call('yourHookName'). That function will loop through all installed plugins, check to see if they have a method with the same name as your hook, and if so, call it, and include the plugin’s response in an array. call() will then return the array of the plugins’ responses back to your plugin.

$pirates = craft()->plugins->call('registerPirates');

call() optionally takes a second argument: an array of arguments that should be passed on to each of the hook methods.

$pirates = craft()->plugins->call('registerPirates', array('smee'));

# Hooks Reference

See hooks-reference for a list of available hooks.

# Events

Craft uses events (opens new window) to announce when certain things have taken place.

# Listening for Events

Your plugin can register new event listeners anywhere it wants to, but the init() function in your primary plugin class is going to be the most reliable place, since that function will get called on every request, before any events have had a chance to fire.

Listen for events with craft()->on(). That’s a wrapper for Yii’s internal event handler, with the added benefit of not initializing the target class if it hasn’t been loaded yet.

For example, if your plugin were to attach an event in the traditional way (opens new window):

craft()->entries->onSaveEntry = function(Event $event) {
    // ...

…then the EntriesService would need to get initialized on every single request, regardless of whether the request has anything to do with entries.

Here’s how you would listen for the same event using craft()->on():

craft()->on('entries.saveEntry', function(Event $event) {
    // ...

If EntriesService has already been initialized, your event will get attached to it right away, just as if you had set the event in the traditional way. However if it has not been initialized yet, your event handler will be filed away. If EntriesService does get initialized further down the road, Craft will instantly add your event handler to it.

If you want to access the arguments passed into an event, you would do so through the $event->params array.

For example, in the above saveEntry example, $event->params['entry'] is an EntryModel of the entry that was just saved and $event->params['isNewEntry'] is a boolean set to true or false.

# Events Reference

See events-reference for a list of available events.