Template Variables

This document is for a version of Craft CMS that is no longer supported. Please refer to the latest version →

Craft allows plugins to provide their own template variables, accessible from the {{ craft }} global variable (e.g. {{ craft.pluginName }}).

To give your plugin a template variable, first create a new variables/ subfolder within your plugin’s folder. Then create a new file in that folder, named with this format:


If your plugin name is “Cocktail Recipes”, the variable file would be named CocktailRecipesVariable.php.

Create a new class in that file, with the same name as the filename:

namespace Craft;

class CocktailRecipesVariable
    public function findIngredients($criteria)
        $criteria = new CocktailRecipes_IngredientCriteria($criteria);
        return craft()->cocktailRecipes->findIngredients($criteria);

    public function findIngredient($criteria)
        $criteria = new CocktailRecipes_IngredientCriteria($criteria);
        return craft()->cocktailRecipes->findIngredient($criteria);

The specific functions that go in your variable are entirely up to you.

Many of your template variable methods will likely be simple wrappers for your service API methods. It’s important to remember not to expose state-changing methods, however.