
This document is for a version of Craft CMS that is no longer supported. Please refer to the latest version →

You can get all sorts of info about the current request from craft.request.

# Properties

The following properties are available:

# firstSegment

Alias of getFirstSegment().

# isAjax

Whether the current request is an Ajax request.

# isLivePreview

Whether the current request is a Live Preview request.

{% if not craft.request.isLivePreview %}
  <script type="text/javascript">
    // Google Analytics tracking code
{% endif %}

# isSecure

Whether the current request is over SSL.

# lastSegment

Alias of getLastSegment().

# pageNum

Alias of getPageNum().

# path

Alias of getPath().

# queryString

Alias of getQueryString().

# queryStringWithoutPath

Alias of getQueryStringWithoutPath().

# segments

Alias of getSegments().

# serverName

Alias of getServerName().

# url

Alias of getUrl().

# urlReferrer

Alias of getUrlReferrer().

# Methods

The following methods are available:

# isMobileBrowser()

Whether the current request is coming from a mobile browser. Pass in true if you want to consider tablets as mobile.

# getCookie( name )

Returns a cookie with the given name if it exists. If the cookie was set in JavaScript, this method will not work because all cookies in Craft go through some validation to ensure they weren’t tampered with.

# getFirstSegment()

Returns the first path segment in the URL.

# getLastSegment()

Returns the last path segment in the URL.

# getPageNum()

Returns the current pagination page number.

# getParam( name )

Returns a parameter from either the query string or POST data.

# getPath()

Returns the full path in the URL.

# getPost( name )

Returns a parameter from the POST data.

# getSegment( n )

Returns the nth path segment in the URL. If you pass a negative number, the nth-to-last segment will be returned instead.

The second URL segment is {{ craft.request.getSegment(2) }}.
The second-to-last URL segment is {{ craft.request.getSegment(-2) }}.

# getSegments()

Returns an array of the path segments in the URL.

# getServerName()

Returns the server/domain name.

# getUserAgent()

Returns the user agent string or null if not present.

# getQuery( name )

Returns a parameter from the query string.

# getQueryString()

Returns the full query string.

# getQueryStringWithoutPath()

Returns the query string, except for the p= param (which was probably added by your .htaccess redirect).

<a href="{{ paginate.nextUrl }}?{{ craft.request.getQueryStringWithoutPath() }}">Next Page</a>

# getUrl()

Returns the full URL for the current request.

By the time the request makes it to Craft, the actual URL will be whatever your .htaccess file has redirected the request to behind the scenes, e.g. http://my-project.tld/index.php?p=some/path. So rather than returning the actual URL, getUrl() returns what the URL probably looks like to the browser. It’s really just a shortcut for calling url() and passing in craft.request.path.

{{ url(craft.request.path) }}

# getUrlReferrer()

Returns the request’s HTTP_REFERER header, if there was one.