Checkboxes Fields

Checkboxes fields give you a group of checkboxes.

# Settings

Checkboxes fields have the following settings:

  • Checkbox Options – Define the checkboxes that will be available in the field. You even get to set the option values and labels separately, and choose which ones should be checked by default.

# Development

# Querying Elements with Checkboxes Fields

When querying for elements that have a Checkboxes field, you can filter the results based on the Checkboxes field data using a query param named after your field’s handle.

Possible values include:

Value Fetches elements…
'foo' with a foo option checked.
'not foo' without a foo option checked.
['foo', 'bar'] with foo or bar options selected.
['and', 'foo', 'bar'] with foo and bar options selected.
{# Fetch entries with the 'foo' option checked #}
{% set entries = craft.entries()
  .all() %}

# Working with Checkboxes Field Data

If you have an element with a Checkboxes field in your template, you can access its data using your Checkboxes field’s handle:

{% set value = entry.myFieldHandle %}

That will give you a craft\fields\data\MultiOptionsFieldData (opens new window) object that contains the field data.

To loop through all checked options, iterate over the field value:

{% for option in entry.myFieldHandle %}
  Label: {{ option.label }}
  Value: {{ option }} or {{ option.value }}
{% endfor %}

To loop through all available options, iterate over the options (opens new window) property:

{% for option in entry.myFieldHandle.options %}
  Label:   {{ option.label }}
  Value:   {{ option }} or {{ option.value }}
  Checked: {{ option.selected ? 'Yes' : 'No' }}
{% endfor %}

To see if any options are checked, use the length (opens new window) filter or count (opens new window) method:

{% if entry.myFieldHandle|length %}

To see if a particular option is checked, use contains() (opens new window)

{% if entry.myFieldHandle.contains('foo') %}

# Saving Checkboxes Fields

If you have an element form, such as an entry form (opens new window), that needs to contain a Checkboxes field, you can use this template as a starting point:

{% set field ='myFieldHandle') %}

{# Include a hidden input first so Craft knows to update the
   existing value, if no checkboxes are checked. #}
{{ hiddenInput('fields[myFieldHandle]', '') }}

  {% for option in field.options %}
    {% set checked = entry is defined
      ? entry.myFieldHandle.contains(option.value)
      : option.default %}

      <input type="checkbox"
        value="{{ option.value }}"
        {% if checked %}checked{% endif %}>
      {{ option.label }}
  {% endfor %}