How to Build a Module

Functionally, modules are every bit as capable as plugins, but they are best suited for project-specific extensions or customizations as opposed to public, distributable packages.

At a technical level, modules (a Yii concept (opens new window)) are registered with Craft and initialized alongside the application, giving them an opportunity to supplement, change, or observe what it does.

# Preparation

Two characteristics must be decided before you begin work on a module:

The root namespace that your module’s classes will live in. Note that this should not begin with craft\; use something that identifies you (the developer), or the project.
See the PSR-4 (opens new window) autoloading specification for details.
Module ID
Something that uniquely identifies the module within your project. IDs must begin with a letter and contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes, and should be kebab-cased.
The module ID will become the first segment in controller action paths. Avoid names that will conflict with Craft’s core controllers (opens new window) or the handles of any installed plugins (e.g. app would conflict with craft\controllers\AppController (opens new window), and commerce would collide with Commerce).

As an alternative to modules, private plugins provide all the functionality of a regular plugin, but are intended to be tracked as part of a project rather than distributed.

# Scaffolding

If this is your first time setting up a module, consider using the Generator—it will prompt you for all of the required information, and leave you with a nicely-organized workspace.

php craft make module

To create a module, create a new directory for it somewhere within your Craft project, such as modules/<ModuleID>/. For example, if your module ID is foo, you might set it up like this:

├── modules
└── foo
    └── Module.php
├── templates
└── ...

# Set up class autoloading

Next up, you need to tell Composer how to find your module’s classes by setting the autoload (opens new window) field in your project’s composer.json file. Unlike a plugin, modules don’t need their own composer.json file.

If your module’s namespace is foo, and it’s located at modules/foo/, this is what you should add:

  // ...
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "foo\\": "modules/foo/"

With that in place, go to your project’s directory in your terminal, and run the following command:

composer dump-autoload -a

That will tell Composer to update its class autoloader script based on your new autoload mapping.

# The Module class

The Module.php file is your module’s entry point for the system. Its init() method is the best place to register event listeners, and any other steps it needs to take to initialize itself.

Use this template as a starting point for your Module.php file:

namespace foo;

use Craft;

class Module extends \yii\base\Module
    public function init()
        // Define a custom alias named after the namespace
        Craft::setAlias('@foo', __DIR__);

        // Set the controllerNamespace based on whether this is a console or web request
        if (Craft::$app->getRequest()->getIsConsoleRequest()) {
            $this->controllerNamespace = 'foo\\console\\controllers';
        } else {
            $this->controllerNamespace = 'foo\\controllers';


        // Custom initialization code goes here...

Replace foo with your module’s actual namespace, and '@foo' with an alias (opens new window) name based on your actual namespace (with any \s converted to /s).

# Initialization

Most initialization logic belongs in your module’s init() method.

However, there are some situations where this doesn’t guarantee a certain part of the application is ready (another plugin, for instance). Conversely, a module that isn’t bootstrapped at the beginning of a request may have init() called too late to listen to craft\web\Application::EVENT_INIT (opens new window), and would never be notified that the app is indeed ready.

In those cases, it’s best to register a callback via craft\base\ApplicationTrait::onInit() (opens new window):

namespace foo;

use Craft;

class Module extends \yii\base\Module
    public function init()
        // ...

        // Defer some setup tasks until Craft is fully initialized:
        Craft::$app->onInit(function() {
            // ...

If Craft has already fully initialized, your callback will be invoked immediately.

In particular, avoid creating element queries or causing the Twig environment to be loaded from your init() method. Both can result in race conditions and incomplete initialization.

# Update the application config

You can add your module to your project’s application configuration by listing it in the modules (opens new window) and bootstrap (opens new window) arrays. For example, if your module ID is foo and its Module class name is foo\Module, this is what you should add to config/app.php:



return [
    // ...
    'modules' => [
        'foo' => foo\Module::class,
    'bootstrap' => [

If your module doesn’t need to get loaded on every request (say, because it only provides controllers), you can remove its ID from the bootstrap array, and lazily instantiate it via foo\Module::getInstance(). Keep in mind that event listeners in your module’s init() method are only attached once it is initialized, which can lead to “missed” events.

# Further Reading

To learn more about modules, see the Yii documentation (opens new window).