The following filters (opens new window) are available to Twig templates in Craft.
Filter | Description |
abs (opens new window) | Returns the absolute value of a number. |
address | Formats an address. |
append | Appends HTML to the end of another element. |
ascii | Converts a string to ASCII characters. |
atom | Converts a date to an ISO-8601 timestamp. |
attr | Modifies an HTML tag’s attributes. |
base64_decode | Decodes a base64 string. |
base64_encode | Encodes a string as base64. |
batch (opens new window) | Batches items in an array. |
boolean | Coerces the passed value to a boolean. |
camel | Formats a string into camelCase. |
capitalize (opens new window) | Capitalizes the first character of a string. |
column | Returns the values from a single property or key in an array. |
contains | Returns whether an array contains a nested item with a given key-value pair. |
convert_encoding (opens new window) | Converts a string from one encoding to another. |
currency | Formats a number as currency. |
date_modify (opens new window) | Modifies a date. |
date | Formats a date. |
datetime | Formats a date with its time. |
default (opens new window) | Returns the value or a default value if empty. |
diff | Returns the difference between arrays. |
duration | Returns a DateInterval object. |
encenc | Encrypts and base64-encodes a string. |
escape (opens new window) | Escapes a string. |
explodeClass | Converts a class attribute value into an array of class names. |
explodeStyle | Converts a style attribute value into an array of property name/value pairs. |
filesize | Formats a number of bytes into something else. |
filter | Filters the items in an array. |
first (opens new window) | Returns the first character/item of a string/array. |
firstWhere | Get the first item in an array that matches the provided predicate. |
flatten | Recursively flatten a multi-dimensional array into a single level. |
float | Coerces the passed value to a float. |
format (opens new window) | Formats a string by replacing placeholders. |
group | Groups items in an array. |
hash | Prefixes a string with a keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC). |
httpdate | Converts a date to the HTTP format. |
id | Normalizes an element ID into only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes. |
index | Indexes the items in an array. |
indexOf | Returns the index of a given value within an array, or the position of a passed-in string within another string. |
integer | Coerces the passed value to an integer. |
intersect | Returns the intersecting items of two arrays. |
join (opens new window) | Concatenates multiple strings into one. |
json_decode | JSON-decodes a value. |
json_encode | JSON-encodes a value. |
kebab | Formats a string into “kebab-case”. |
keys (opens new window) | Returns the keys of an array. |
last (opens new window) | Returns the last character/item of a string/array. |
lcfirst | Lowercases the first character of a string. |
length | Returns the length of a string or array, or the count of a query. |
literal | Escapes an untrusted string for use with element query params. |
lower (opens new window) | Lowercases a string. |
map (opens new window) | Applies an arrow function to the items in an array. |
markdown | Processes a string as Markdown. |
merge | Merges an array with another one. |
money | Outputs a value from a Money object. |
multisort | Sorts an array by one or more keys within its sub-arrays. |
namespace | Namespaces input names and other HTML attributes, as well as CSS selectors. |
namespaceAttributes | Namespaces id and other HTML attributes, as well as CSS selectors. |
namespaceInputId | Namespaces an element ID. |
namespaceInputName | Namespaces an input name. |
nl2br (opens new window) | Replaces newlines with <br> tags. |
number_format (opens new window) | Formats numbers. |
number | Formats a number. |
parseAttr | Parses an HTML tag to find its attributes. |
parseRefs | Parses a string for reference tags. |
pascal | Formats a string into “PascalCase”. |
percentage | Formats a percentage. |
prepend | Prepends HTML to the beginning of another element. |
purify | Runs HTML code through HTML Purifier. |
push | Appends one or more items onto the end of an array. |
raw (opens new window) | Marks as value as safe for the current escaping strategy. |
reduce (opens new window) | Iteratively reduces a sequence or mapping to a single value. |
removeClass | Removes a class (or classes) from the given HTML tag. |
replace | Replaces parts of a string with other things. |
reverse (opens new window) | Reverses a string or array. |
round (opens new window) | Rounds a number. |
rss | Converts a date to RSS date format. |
slice (opens new window) | Extracts a slice of a string or array. |
snake | Formats a string into “snake_case”. |
sort (opens new window) | Sorts an array. |
spaceless (opens new window) | Removes whitespace between HTML tags. |
split (opens new window) | Splits a string by a delimiter. |
string | Coerces the passed value to a string. |
striptags (opens new window) | Strips SGML/XML tags from a string. |
time | Formats a time. |
timestamp | Formats a human-readable timestamp. |
title (opens new window) | Formats a string into “Title Case”. |
translate | Translates a message. |
trim (opens new window) | Strips whitespace from the beginning and end of a string. |
truncate | Truncates a string to a given length, while ensuring that it does not split words. |
unique | Removes duplicate values from an array. |
unshift | Prepends one or more items to the beginning of an array. |
upper (opens new window) | Formats a string into “UPPER CASE”. |
url_encode (opens new window) | Percent-encodes a string as a URL segment or an array as a query string. |
ucwords | Uppercases the first character of each word in a string. |
values | Returns all the values in an array, resetting its keys. |
where | Filters an array by key-value pairs. |
widont | Inserts a non-breaking space between the last two words of a string. |
without | Returns an array without the specified element(s). |
withoutKey | Returns an array without the specified key. |
# address
Applies formatting to an Address.
{% set myAddress = currentUser.getAddresses()|first %}
{{ myAddress|address }}
{# Output:
<p translate="no">
<span class="address-line1">1234 Balboa Towers Circle</span><br>
<span class="locality">Los Angeles</span>, <span class="administrative-area">CA</span> <span class="postal-code">92662</span><br>
<span class="country">United States</span>
This calls Addresses::formatAddress() (opens new window), so you can optionally provide an array of options
and even your own formatter
(opens new window).
# append
Appends HTML to the end of another element.
{{ '<div><p>Lorem</p></div>'|append('<p>Ipsum</p>') }}
{# Output: <div><p>Lorem</p><p>Ipsum</p></div> #}
If you only want to append a new element if one of the same type doesn’t already exist, pass 'keep'
as a second argument.
{{ '<div><p>Lorem</p></div>'|append('<p>Ipsum</p>', 'keep') }}
{# Output: <div><p>Lorem</p></div> #}
If you want to replace an existing element of the same type, pass 'replace'
as a second argument.
{{ '<div><p>Lorem</p></div>'|append('<p>Ipsum</p>', 'replace') }}
{# Output: <div><p>Ipsum</p></div> #}
# ascii
Converts a string to ASCII characters.
{{ 'über'|ascii }}
{# Output: uber #}
By default, the current site’s language will be used when choosing ASCII character mappings. You can override that by passing in a different locale ID.
{{ 'über'|ascii('de') }}
{# Output: ueber #}
# atom
Converts a date to an ISO-8601 timestamp (e.g. 2038-01-19T03:14:07+00:00
), which should be used for Atom feeds, among other things.
{{ entry.postDate|atom }}
Pass false
to prevent the date from being converted to the system’s timezone:
{{ entry.customDateFieldWithTimezone|atom(false) }}
# attr
Modifies an HTML tag’s attributes, using the same attribute definitions supported by using yii\helpers\BaseHtml::renderTagAttributes() (opens new window).
{% set tag = '<div>' %}
{{ tag|attr({
class: 'foo'
}) }}
{# Output: <div class="foo"> #}
Only the first tag will be modified, and any HTML comments or doctype declarations before it will be ignored.
{% set svg %}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
{% endset %}
{{ svg|attr({
class: 'icon'
}) }}
{# Output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<svg class="icon">...</svg> #}
Attributes can be removed by setting them to false
{% set tag = '<input type="text" disabled>' %}
{{ tag|attr({
disabled: false
}) }}
{# Output: <input type="text"> #}
and style
attributes will be combined with the element’s existing attributes, if set.
{% set tag = '<div class="foo" style="color: black;">' %}
{{ tag|attr({
class: 'bar',
style: {background: 'red'}
}) }}
{# Output: <div class="foo bar" style="color: black; background: red;"> #}
All other attributes will replace the existing attribute values.
{% set tag = '<input type="text">' %}
{{ tag|attr({
type: 'email'
}) }}
{# Output: <input type="email"> #}
If you want to completely replace a class
or style
attribute, remove it first, then set the new value:
{% set tag = '<div class="foo">' %}
{{ tag|attr({class: false})|attr({class: 'bar'}) }}
{# Output: <div class="bar"> #}
Attribute values are HTML-encoded automatically:
{% set tag = '<input type="text">' %}
{{ tag|attr({
type: 'submit',
value: 'Register & Subscribe →'
}) }}
{# Output: <input type="submit" value="Register & Subscribe →"> #}
# base64_decode
Decodes a base64-encoded string. The encoded value can come from anywhere, as base64 is widely supported and its input and output is consistent across implementations.
{{ 'Q3JhZnQgQ01T' | base64_decode }}
{# -> Craft CMS #}
JavaScript uses the btoa()
(opens new window) function to encode values as base64, and atob()
(opens new window) to decode them.
# base64_encode
Encodes a value as base64. Base64 can be useful for making unpredictable strings or data URL-safe.
{{ 'Craft CMS' | base64_encode }}
{# -> Q3JhZnQgQ01T #}
If you intend to use the value in a style sheet or URI, consider the dataUrl()
function, instead.
Encoding is not the same as encryption! The result may appear random, but is completely reversible. Read more about the principles and applications of base64 (opens new window) if you are unsure whether it is appropriate!
# boolean
Coerces the passed value to a boolean using PHP’s boolval()
(opens new window) function. Useful when dealing with stronger typing in PHP 8 and Twig 3.x.
# camel
Returns a string formatted in “camelCase”.
{{ 'foo bar'|camel }}
{# Output: fooBar #}
# column
Returns the values from a single property or key in the input array.
{% set entryIds = entries|column('id') %}
An arrow function can be passed instead, if the values that should be returned don’t exist as a property or key on the array elements.
{% set authorNames = entries|column(e => %}
This works similarly to Twig’s core column
(opens new window) filter, except that ArrayHelper::getColumn() (opens new window) is used rather than PHP’s array_column() (opens new window) function.
# contains
Returns whether the passed-in array contains any nested arrays/objects with a particular key/attribute set to a given value.
{% set works = craft.entries()
.all() %}
{# See if any of the artwork has a mature rating #}
{% if works|contains('rating', 'm') %}
<p class="mature">Some of this artwork is meant for mature viewers.</p>
{% endif %}
# currency
Formats a number with a given currency according to the user’s preferred language.
{{ 1000000|currency('USD') }}
{# Output: $1,000,000.00 #}
You can pass stripZeros=true
to remove any fraction digits if the value to be formatted has no minor value (e.g. cents):
{{ 1000000|currency('USD', stripZeros=true) }}
{# Output: $1,000,000 #}
If the passed-in value isn’t a valid number it will be returned verbatim:
{{ 'oh hai'|currency('USD') }}
{# Output: oh hai #}
# date
Formats a timestamp or DateTime (opens new window) object.
{{ entry.postDate|date }}
{# Output: Jan 19, 2038 #}
# Arguments
You can customize how the date is presented by passing a custom date format (opens new window), just like Twig’s core
(opens new window) filter:{{ now|date('n/d/Y') }} {# Output: 1/19/2038 #}
Craft also provides some special format keywords that will output locale-specific date formats:
Format Example short
1/19/2038 medium
(default)Jan 19, 2038 long
January 19, 2038 full
Tuesday, January 19, 2038 {{ entry.postDate|date('short') }} {# Output: 1/19/2038 #}
The current application locale will be used by default. If you want to format the date for a different locale, use the
argument:{{ entry.postDate|date('short', locale='en-GB') }} {# Output: 19/1/2038 #}
You can customize the timezone the time is output in, using the
param:{{ entry.postDate|date('Y-m-d H:i', timezone='UTC') }} {# Output: 2038-01-19 03:14 #}
to prevent the date from being converted to the system’s timezone:{{ entry.customDateFieldWithTimezone|date('Y-m-d H:i', timezone=false) }} {# Output: 2038-01-18 19:14 #}
Applying the filter to a null
value uses the current date. If this is the desired behavior, consider explicitly passing the now
variable: now|date
# datetime
Formats a timestamp or DateTime (opens new window) object, including the time of day.
{{ entry.postDate|datetime }}
{# Output: Jan 19, 2038, 5:00:00 PM #}
# Arguments
Craft provides some special format keywords that will output locale-specific date and time formats:
{{ entry.postDate|datetime('short') }} {# Output: 1/19/2038, 5:00 PM #}
values (in addition to any valid PHP date format (opens new window)) are:Format Example short
1/19/2038, 3:14 AM medium
(default)Jan 19, 2038, 3:14:07 AM long
January 19, 2038 at 3:14:07 AM UTC full
Tuesday, January 19, 2038 at 3:14:07 AM UTC locale
The current application locale will be used by default. If you want to format the date and time for a different locale, use the
argument:{{ entry.postDate|datetime('short', locale='en-GB') }} {# Output: 19/01/2038, 3:14 #}
You can customize the timezone the time is output in, using the
param:{{ entry.postDate|datetime('short', timezone='UTC') }} {# Output: 1/19/2038, 3:14 AM #}
to prevent the date from being converted to the system’s timezone:{{ entry.customDateFieldWithTimezone|date('short', timezone=false) }} {# Output: 1/18/2038, 7:14 PM #}
Applying the filter to a null
value uses the current date. If this is the desired behavior, consider explicitly passing the now
variable: now|date
# diff
Returns the difference between arrays, using array_diff() (opens new window).
It will return a new array with any values that were in the initial array, which weren’t present in any of the arrays passed into the filter.
{% set arr1 = ['foo', 'bar'] %}
{% set arr2 = ['bar', 'baz'] %}
{% set arr3 = arr1|diff(arr2) %}
{# Result: ['foo'] #}
# duration
Runs a DateInterval (opens new window) object or integer (number of seconds) through craft\helpers\DateTimeHelper::humanDuration() (opens new window) to output human-friendly duration text.
<p>Posted {{ entry.postDate.diff(now)|duration(false) }} ago.</p>
# encenc
Encrypts and base64-encodes a string.
{{ 'secure-string'|encenc }}
# explodeClass
Converts a class
attribute value into an array of class names.
If an array is passed in, it will be returned as-is.
{% set classNames = 'foo bar baz'|explodeClass %}
{# Result: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] #}
# explodeStyle
Converts a style
attribute value into an array of property name/value pairs.
If an array is passed in, it will be returned as-is.
{% set styles = 'font-weight: bold; color: red;'|explodeStyle %}
{# Result: {'font-weight': 'bold', 'color': 'red'} #}
# filesize
Formats a number of bytes into something nicer.
{{ asset.size }}
{# Output: 1944685 #}
{{ asset.size|filesize }}
{# Output: 1.945 MB #}
If the passed-in value isn’t a valid number it will be returned verbatim:
{{ 'oh hai'|filesize }}
{# Output: oh hai #}
# filter
Filters elements of an array.
If nothing is passed to it, any “empty” elements will be removed.
{% set array = ['foo', '', 'bar', '', 'baz'] %}
{% set filteredArray = array|filter %}
{# Result: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] #}
When an arrow function is passed, this works identically to Twig’s core filter
(opens new window) filter.
{% set array = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] %}
{% set filteredArray = array|filter(v => v[0] == 'b') %}
{# Result: ['bar', 'baz'] #}
# firstWhere
Searches the incoming array for an element that matches the provided criteria.
{% set mountains = [
{ name: 'Mount Hood', height: 11250, range: 'Cascade' },
{ name: 'Mount Jefferson', height: 10495, range: 'Cascade' },
{ name: 'South Sister', height: 10358, range: 'Cascade' },
{ name: 'North Sister', height: 10085, range: 'Cascade' },
{ name: 'Middle Sister', height: 10052, range: 'Cascade' },
{ name: 'Sacajawea Peak', height: 9843, range: 'Wallowa' },
{ name: 'Steens Mountain', height: 9738, range: null },
{ name: 'Aneroid Mountain', height: 9707, range: 'Wallowa' },
] %}
{% set notInRange = mountains | firstWhere('range', null) %}
{% set tallestUnder10kft = mountains | firstWhere(m => m.height < 10000) %}
{% set tallestSister = mountains | firstWhere(m => contains 'Sister') %}
When using a closure, complex comparisons are possible by returning a boolean, which is implicitly checked for “truthiness.” You can also compute a value in the closure for comparison against an explicitly-passed value.
# Arguments
The signature of firstWhere()
is the same as craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::firstWhere() (opens new window), but the first argument comes from the filter’s input.
A key used to resolve a value from each item in the array, or a closure that returns a value for comparison.
When using a string, you can target a nested key within each item using “dot notation,” like
. See craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::getValue() (opens new window) for details.value
The fixed value to compare against. Defaults to
Whether the comparison should be performed with strict typing. Defaults to
This filter is similar in functionality to the collection method of the same name.
# flatten
Flattens an array into a single level, up to depth
{% set songEmphasis = [
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
['E', 'F', 'G'],
['H', 'I', 'J', 'K', ['L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P']],
['Q', 'R', 'S'],
['T', 'U', 'V'],
[['W', 'X'], ['Y', 'Z']],
] %}
{% set alphabet = songEmphasis | flatten %}
{# -> ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', ...] #}
# Arguments
: depth
How many levels to flatten. There is no limit, by default.
# float
Coerces the passed value to a float using PHP’s floatval()
(opens new window) function. Useful when dealing with stronger typing in PHP 8 and Twig 3.x.
# group
Groups items in an array by the results of an arrow function.
{% set allEntries = craft.entries().section('blog').all() %}
{% set allEntriesByYear = allEntries|group(e => e.postDate|date('Y')) %}
{% for year, entriesInYear in allEntriesByYear %}
<h2>{{ year }}</h2>
{% for entry in entriesInYear %}
<li><a href="{{ entry.url }}">{{ entry.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
# hash
Prefixes the given string with a keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC), for passing data in plain view (i.e. via front-end forms) that must not be tampered with.
{{ hiddenInput('foo', 'bar'|hash) }}
PHP scripts can validate the value via Security::validateData() (opens new window):
$foo = Craft::$app->getRequest()->getBodyParam('foo');
$foo = Craft::$app->getSecurity()->validateData($foo);
if ($foo !== false) {
// $foo is valid!
Do not hash sensitive data. Hashed values are tamper-proof, but still expose the original value!
Request::getValidatedBodyParam() (opens new window) can also perform this comparison in a controller, automatically throwing an error when it finds a missing or invalid value:
public function actionSubmitData()
$foo = Craft::$app->getRequest()->getValidatedBodyParam('foo');
// $foo is valid!
Hashing data uses your app’s securityKey
config setting, by default. If this setting changes between generating and validating a hash, it will fail!
# httpdate
Converts a date to the HTTP format, used by RFC 7231 (opens new window)-compliant HTTP headers like Expires
{% header "Expires: " ~ expiry|httpdate %}
{# Output: Expires: Thu, 08 Apr 2021 13:00:00 GMT #}
# Arguments
You can use the
param to specify the date’s timezone for conversion to GMT:{% header 'Expires: ' ~ expiry|httpdate('CET') %} {# Result: Expires: Thu, 08 Apr 2021 21:00:00 GMT #}
to use the date’s existing timezone as the basis (prior to conversion to GMT).
# id
Formats a string into something that will work well as an HTML input id
, via craft\web\View::formatInputId() (opens new window).
{% set name = 'input[name]' %}
<input type="text" name="{{ name }}" id="{{ name|id }}">
# index
Runs an array through ArrayHelper::index() (opens new window).
{% set entries = entries|index('id') %}
# indexOf
Returns the index of a passed-in value within an array, or the position of a passed-in string within another string. (Note that the returned position is 0-indexed.) If no position can be found, -1
is returned instead.
{% set colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'] %}
<p>Green is located at position {{ colors|indexOf('green') + 1 }}.</p>
{% set position = 'team'|indexOf('i') %}
{% if position != -1 %}
<p>There <em>is</em> an “i” in “team”! It’s at position {{ position + 1 }}.</p>
{% endif %}
# integer
Coerces the passed value to a integer using PHP’s intval()
(opens new window) function. Useful when dealing with stronger typing in PHP 8 and Twig 3.x.
# intersect
Returns an array containing only the values that are also in a passed-in array.
{% set ownedIngredients = [
'triple sec',
'grapefruit juice'
] %}
{% set longIslandIcedTeaIngredients = [
'triple sec',
'sweet and sour mix',
] %}
{% set ownedLongIslandIcedTeaIngredients =
# json_encode
Returns the JSON representation of a value.
This works similarly to Twig’s core json_encode
(opens new window) filter, except that the options
argument will default to JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_AMP | JSON_HEX_QUOT
if the response content type is either text/html
or application/xhtml+xml
# json_decode
JSON-decodes a string into an array by passing it through yii\helpers\Json::decode() (opens new window).
{% set arr = '[1, 2, 3]'|json_decode %}
# kebab
Returns a string formatted in “kebab-case”.
That’s a reference to shish kebabs (opens new window) for those of you that don’t get the analogy.
{{ 'foo bar?'|kebab }}
{# Output: foo-bar #}
# lcfirst
Lowercases the first character of a string.
{{ 'Foobar'|lcfirst }}
{# Output: foobar #}
# length
Returns the length of a string or array, or a query’s result count.
If used on anything besides a query, Twig’s built-in length (opens new window) filter logic will be used.
# literal
Runs a string through craft\helpers\Db::escapeParam() (opens new window) to escape commas and asterisks so they’re are not treated as special characters in query params.
{% set titleParam ='title') %}
{% set entry = craft.entries()
.one() %}
# markdown
or md
Processes a string with Markdown (opens new window).
{% set content %}
# Everything You Need to Know About Computer Keyboards
The only *real* computer keyboard ever made was famously
the [Apple Extended Keyboard II] [1].
{% endset %}
{{ content|markdown }}
This filter supports two arguments:
— Choose the “flavor” of Markdown the parser will use. Must be one of:'original'
(GitHub-Flavored Markdown (opens new window))'gfm-comment'
(GitHub-Flavored Markdown with newlines converted to<br>
(Markdown Extra (opens new window))'pre-escape'
(Same as'original'
but forces theencode
argument totrue
— Determines whether to only parse inline elements, omitting any<p>
tags (defaults tofalse
— Equivalent to pre-processing the input string with Twig’sescape
filter (opens new window), i.e:{{ content|e|md }}
. Only theoriginal
flavors are allowed when encoding is enabled.
Do not output user-submitted content with this filter. The resulting markup is “trusted” by the Twig environment (as though it were output with the |raw
filter), and can result in XSS vulnerabilities (opens new window).
To protect your site or app, first pass the text through the escape
or e
filter (opens new window), or set the escape
argument to true
# merge
Merges the passed array with another one.
This has the same behavior as Twig’s merge filter (opens new window) which uses PHP’s array_merge() (opens new window) under the hood:
{% set values = [1, 2] %}
{% set values = values|merge(['Lucille', 'Buster']) %}
{# Result: [1, 2, 'Lucille', 'Buster'] #}
It also works on hashes, where merging occurs on the keys. A key that doesn’t already exist is added, and a key that does already exist only has its value overridden:
{% set items = { 'Buster': 'Bluth', 'Lindsay': 'Bluth' } %}
{% set items = items|merge({ 'Tobias': 'Fünke', 'Lindsay': 'Fünke' }) %}
{# Result: { 'Buster': 'Bluth', 'Tobias': 'Fünke', 'Lindsay': 'Fünke' } #}
If you want to make sure specific values are defined by default in an array, like 'Lindsay': 'Bluth'
below, reverse the elements in the call:
{% set items = { 'Buster': 'Bluth', 'Lindsay': 'Bluth' } %}
{% set items = { 'Tobias': 'Fünke', 'Lindsay': 'Fünke' }|merge(items) %}
{# Result: { 'Tobias': 'Fünke', 'Lindsay': 'Bluth', 'Buster': 'Bluth' } #}
You can also provide an optional recursive
argument that will use ArrayHelper::merge() (opens new window) to merge nested arrays or hashes.
Without recursive
{% set items = {
'rebellion': { 'Bespin': 'Calrissian', 'Hoth': 'Organa', 'Crait': 'Organa' },
'empire': { 'Coruscant': 'Palpatine', 'Endor': 'Palpatine' }
} %}
{% set items = items|merge({
'rebellion': { 'Endor': 'Solo/Organa' },
'empire': { 'Bespin': 'Vader', 'Hoth': 'Veers' }
}) %}
{# Result: {
'rebellion': { 'Endor': 'Solo/Organa' },
'empire': { 'Bespin': 'Vader', 'Hoth': 'Veers' }
} #}
With recursive
{% set items = {
'rebellion': { 'Bespin': 'Calrissian', 'Hoth': 'Organa', 'Crait': 'Organa' },
'empire': { 'Coruscant': 'Palpatine', 'Endor': 'Palpatine' }
} %}
{% set items = items|merge({
'rebellion': { 'Endor': 'Solo/Organa' },
'empire': { 'Bespin': 'Vader', 'Hoth': 'Veers' }
}, true) %}
{# Result: {
'rebellion': {
'Bespin': 'Calrissian',
'Hoth': 'Organa',
'Crait': 'Organa',
'Endor': 'Solo/Organa'
'empire': {
'Coruscant': 'Palpatine',
'Endor': 'Palpatine',
'Bespin': 'Vader',
'Hoth': 'Veers'
} #}
# money
Outputs a value from a Money object.
{{ myMoneyField|money }}
{# Output: $123.00 #}
An optional formatLocale argument can be provided if you don’t want to use the default formatter’s locale:
{{ myMoneyField|money('de') }}
{# Output: 123,00 $ #}
# multisort
Sorts an array by one or more properties or keys within an array’s values.
To sort by a single property or key, pass its name as a string:
{% set entries = entries|multisort('title') %}
To sort by multiple properties or keys, pass them in as an array. For example, this will sort entries by their post date first, and then by their title:
{% set entries = entries|multisort(['postDate', 'title']) %}
An arrow function can be passed instead, if the values that should be sorted by don’t exist as a property or key on the array elements.
{% set entries = entries|multisort(e => %}
The values will be sorted in ascending order by default. You can switch to descending order with the direction
{% set entries = entries|multisort('title', direction=SORT_DESC) %}
You can also customize which sorting behavior is used, with the sortFlag
param. For example, to sort items numerically, use SORT_NUMERIC
{% set entries = entries|multisort('id', sortFlag=SORT_NUMERIC) %}
See PHP’s sort() (opens new window) documentation for the available sort flags.
When sorting by multiple properties or keys, you must set the direction
and sortFlag
params to arrays as well.
{% set entries = entries|multisort([
# namespace
or ns
The |namespace
filter can be used to namespace input names and other HTML attributes, as well as CSS selectors.
For example, this:
{% set html %}
.text { font-size: larger; }
#title { font-weight: bold; }
<input class="text" id="title" name="title" type="text">
{% endset %}
{{ html|namespace('foo') }}
would become this:
.text { font-size: larger; }
#foo-title { font-weight: bold; }
<input class="text" id="foo-title" name="foo[title]" type="text">
Notice how the #title
CSS selector became #foo-title
, the id
attribute changed from title
to foo-title
, and the name
attribute changed from title
to foo[title]
If you want class names to get namespaced as well, pass withClasses=true
. That will affect both class CSS selectors and class
{{ html|namespace('foo', withClasses=true) }}
That would result in:
.foo-text { font-size: larger; }
#foo-title { font-weight: bold; }
<input class="foo-text" id="foo-title" name="foo[title]" type="text">
# namespaceAttributes
The |namespaceAttributes
filter can be used to namespace id
and other HTML attributes, as well as CSS selectors.
It’s identical to the namespace filter, except that inputs’ name
attributes won’t be modified.
For example, this:
{% set html %}
.text { font-size: larger; }
#title { font-weight: bold; }
<input class="text" id="title" name="title" type="text">
{% endset %}
{{ html|namespaceAttributes('foo') }}
would become this:
.text { font-size: larger; }
#foo-title { font-weight: bold; }
<input class="text" id="foo-title" name="title" type="text">
Notice how the #title
CSS selector became #foo-title
, the id
attribute changed from title
to foo-title
, but the name
attribute wasn’t changed.
If you want class names to get namespaced as well, pass withClasses=true
. That will affect both class CSS selectors and class
{{ html|namespaceAttributes('foo', withClasses=true) }}
That would result in:
.foo-text { font-size: larger; }
#foo-title { font-weight: bold; }
<input class="foo-text" id="foo-title" name="title" type="text">
# namespaceInputId
Namepaces an element ID.
For example, this:
{{ 'bar'|namespaceInputId('foo') }}
would output:
If this is used within a namespace tag, the namespace applied by the tag will be used by default.
# namespaceInputName
Namepaces an input name.
For example, this:
{{ 'bar'|namespaceInputName('foo') }}
would output:
If this is used within a namespace tag, the namespace applied by the tag will be used by default.
# number
Formats a number according to the user’s preferred language.
For example, comma group symbols are added by default in English:
{{ 1000000|number }}
{# Output: 1,000,000 #}
The value is passed to Craft::$app->getFormatter()->asDecimal()
(opens new window) and may include three additional arguments:
- decimals – number of digits that should appear after the decimal point (defaults to
) - options – key-value array of number formatter options (opens new window) (ignored if PHP intl extension is not installed)
- textOptions – key-value array of text formatting options (opens new window) for the formatter
{{ 1000000|number(2) }}
{# Output: 1,000,000.00 #}
{{ 1000000|number(null, { (constant('NumberFormatter::GROUPING_SIZE')): 4 }) }}
{# Output: 100,0000 #}
{{ (-5)|number(null, {}, { (constant('NumberFormatter::NEGATIVE_PREFIX')): '☹' }) }}
{# Output: ☹5 #}
If the passed-in value isn’t a valid number it will be returned verbatim:
{{ 'oh hai'|number }}
{# Output: oh hai #}
# parseAttr
Parses an HTML tag to find its attributes.
{% set content %}
<a class="text-xl pt-0" href="/foo.pdf" download>Save File</p>
{% endset %}
{{ content|parseAttr }}
{# Result: ["class" => ["text-xl", "pt-0"], "href" => "/foo.pdf", "download" => true] #}
# parseRefs
Parses a string for reference tags.
{% set content %}
{entry:blog/hello-world:link} was my first blog post. Pretty geeky, huh?
{% endset %}
{{ content|parseRefs|raw }}
# pascal
Returns a string formatted in “PascalCase” (AKA “UpperCamelCase”).
{{ 'foo bar'|pascal }}
{# Output: FooBar #}
# percentage
Formats a percentage according to the user’s preferred language.
{{ 0.85|percentage }}
{# Output: 85% #}
If the passed-in value isn’t a valid number it will be returned verbatim:
{{ 'oh hai'|percentage }}
{# Output: oh hai #}
# prepend
Prepends HTML to the beginning of another element.
{{ '<div><p>Ipsum</p></div>'|prepend('<p>Lorem</p>') }}
{# Output: <div><p>Lorem</p><p>Ipsum</p></div> #}
If you only want to append a new element if one of the same type doesn’t already exist, pass 'keep'
as a second argument.
{{ '<div><p>Ipsum</p></div>'|prepend('<p>Lorem</p>', 'keep') }}
{# Output: <div><p>Ipsum</p></div> #}
If you want to replace an existing element of the same type, pass 'replace'
as a second argument.
{{ '<div><p>Ipsum</p></div>'|prepend('<p>Lorem</p>', 'replace') }}
{# Output: <div><p>Lorem</p></div> #}
# purify
Runs the given text through HTML Purifier (opens new window).
{{|purify }}
To load predefined rules from a file in config/htmlpurifier/
, pass its filename as an argument (without .json
{{|purify('user-profile') }}
Define config on-the-fly by passing an object:
'HTML.AllowedElements': 'p, a',
'HTML.Nofollow': true,
}) }}
See the configuration docs for more information on using HTML Purifier.
# push
Appends one or more items onto the end of an array, and returns the new array.
{% set array1 = ['foo'] %}
{% set array2 = array1|push('bar', 'baz') %}
{# Result: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] #}
# removeClass
Removes a class (or classes) from the given HTML tag.
{% set markup = '<p class="apple orange banana">A classy bit of text.</p>' %}
{{ markup|removeClass('orange') }}
{# Result: <p class="apple banana">A classy bit of text.</p> #}
{% set markup = '<p class="apple orange banana">A classy bit of text.</p>' %}
{{ markup|removeClass(['orange', 'banana']) }}
{# Result: <p class="apple">A classy bit of text.</p> #}
# replace
Match and replace parts of a string.
When a mapping array is passed, this works identically to Twig’s core replace
(opens new window) filter:
{% set str = 'Hello, FIRST LAST' %}
{{ str|replace({
FIRST: currentUser.firstName,
LAST: currentUser.lastName
}) }}
To replace one string at a time, pass the string you want to replace as the first argument, and the replacement as the second argument:
{% set str = 'Hello, NAME' %}
{{ str|replace('NAME', }}
You can also use a regular expression to search for matches by starting and ending the replacement string’s value with forward slashes:
{{ tag.title|lower|replace('/[^\\w]+/', '-') }}
When passing an array, its keys can be regular expressions:
{{ tag.title|lower|replace({
'/^the\\s/': '',
'/[^\\w]+/': '-',
}) }}
To treat patterns as literal strings (when using positional arguments or a map), pass false
to the regex
{{ tag.title|lower|replace({
'/you/i': 'y’all',
'/-_-/': '(^_^)',
}, regex=false) }}
# rss
Outputs a date in the format required for RSS feeds (D, d M Y H:i:s O
{{ entry.postDate|rss }}
{# Expires: Wed, 31 May 2023 12:23:09 -0700 #}
# Arguments
You can use the
param to specify the date’s timezone for conversion to GMT:{% header 'Expires: ' ~ expiry|httpdate('CET') %} {# Expires: Thu, 08 Apr 2021 21:00:00 +0000 #}
to use the date’s existing timezone as the basis (prior to conversion to GMT).
# snake
Returns a string formatted in “snake_case”.
{{ 'foo bar'|snake }}
{# Output: foo_bar #}
# string
Coerces the passed value to a string using PHP’s strval()
(opens new window) function. Useful when dealing with stronger typing in PHP 8 and Twig 3.x.
# time
Outputs the time of day for a timestamp or DateTime (opens new window) object.
{{ entry.postDate|time }}
{# Output: 3:14:07 AM #}
Craft provides some special format keywords that will output locale-specific time formats:
{{ entry.postDate|time('short') }}
{# Output: 3:14 AM #}
Possible format
values are:
Format | Example |
short | 3:14 AM |
medium (default) | 3:14:07 AM |
long | 3:14:07 AM UTC |
The current application locale will be used by default. If you want to format the date and time for a different locale, use the locale
{{ entry.postDate|time('short', locale='en-GB') }}
{# Output: 17:00 #}
You can customize the timezone the time is output in, using the timezone
{{ entry.postDate|time('short', timezone='UTC') }}
{# Output: 12:00 AM #}
# timestamp
Outputs a date with craft\i18n\Formatter::asTimestamp() (opens new window), using plain-language relative terms when possible. Dates with the same day return only the time, using the provided format
; dates from the previous 24-hour window return yesterday
; dates within the last week return the day’s name (like Wednesday
). Anything longer ago than that
{{ now|timestamp }}
{# Output: 16:25 #}
{{ now|date_modify('-1 day')|timestamp }}
{# Output: Yesterday #}
{{ now|date_modify('-4 days')|timestamp }}
{# Output: Friday #}
{{ now|date_modify('-2 months')|timestamp(withPreposition=true) }}
{# Output: 'on March 29, 2023' #}
# Arguments
- Pass
to includeat
prepositions when outputting the timestamp (when appropriate). These values are localized based on the current site’s language. Defaults tofalse
# translate
or t
Translates a message with Craft::t() (opens new window).
{{ 'Hello world'|t('myCategory') }}
If no category is specified, it will default to site
{{ 'Hello world'|t }}
See Static Message Translations for a full explanation on how this works.
# truncate
Truncates a string to a given length, while ensuring that it does not split words.
{{ 'Hello world'|truncate(10) }}
{# Output: Hello… #}
An ellipsis (…
) will be appended to the string if it needs to be truncated, by default. You can customize what gets appended by passing a second argument. (Note that a longer appended string could result in more of the original string getting truncated.)
{{ 'Hello world'|truncate(10, '...') }}
{# Output: Hello... #}
{{ 'Hello world'|truncate(10, '') }}
{# Output: Hello #}
If the truncated string cuts down to less than a single word, that first word will be split by default.
{{ 'Hello world'|truncate(2) }}
{# Output: H… #}
If you’d prefer to have the entire word removed, set the splitSingleWord
argument to false
{{ 'Hello world'|truncate(2, splitSingleWord=false) }}
{# Output: … #}
# ucfirst
The ucfirst
filter is deprecated. Use Twig’s native capitalize
(opens new window) filter, instead.
Capitalizes the first character of a string.
{{ 'foobar'|ucfirst }}
{# Output: Foobar #}
# ucwords
Uppercases the first character of each word in a string.
{{ 'foo bar baz hyphenated-pair'|ucwords }}
{# Output: Foo Bar Baz Hyphenated-Pair #}
# unique
Runs an array through array_unique() (opens new window).
{% set array = ['Larry', 'Darryl', 'Darryl'] %}
{{ array|unique }}
{# Result: ['Larry', 'Darryl'] #}
# unshift
Prepends one or more items to the beginning of an array, and returns the new array.
{% set array1 = ['foo'] %}
{% set array2 = array1|unshift('bar', 'baz') %}
{# Result: ['bar', 'baz', 'foo'] #}
# values
Returns an array of all the values in a given array, but without any custom keys.
{% set arr1 = {foo: 'Foo', bar: 'Bar'} %}
{% set arr2 = arr1|values %}
{# arr2 = ['Foo', 'Bar'] #}
# where
Runs an array through craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::where() (opens new window).
{% set array = { 'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'baz', 'bat': 'bar' } %}
{{ array|where(v => v == 'bar') }}
{# Result: { 'foo': 'bar', 'bat': 'bar' } #}
# widont
Inserts a non-breaking space between the last two words of a string.
This can be useful to prevent typographic widows and orphans (opens new window).
{% set content %}
Don’t leave any word stranded on its own line.
{% endset %}
{{ content|widont }}
{# Output: Don’t leave any word stranded on its own line. #}
# without
Returns an array without the specified item(s).
{% set entries = craft.entries().section('articles').limit(3).all() %}
{% set firstEntry = entries|first %}
{% set remainingEntries = entries|without(firstEntry) %}
# withoutKey
Returns an array without one or more specified keys.
The key can be a single key as a string:
{% set array = {
foo: 'foo',
bar: 'bar',
baz: 'baz'
} %}
{% set filtered = array|withoutKey('baz') %}
{# Result: { 'foo': 'foo', 'bar: 'bar' } #}
You can also pass multiple keys in an array:
{% set array = {
foo: 'foo',
bar: 'bar',
baz: 'baz'
} %}
{% set filtered = array|withoutKey(['bar', 'baz']) %}
{# Result: { 'foo': 'foo' } #}