Available Variables

This document is for a version of Craft Commerce that is no longer supported. Please refer to the latest version →

The following twig template variables are available:

# craft.commerce.settings

To get all Craft Commerce general settings:

{% set settings = craft.commerce.settings %}

# craft.commerce.products

See craft.commerce.products

# craft.commerce.orders

See craft.commerce.orders

# craft.commerce.cart

See craft.commerce.cart

# craft.commerce.countriesList

Returns a list usable for a dropdown select box.

Data returned as [32:'Australia', 72:'USA']

{% for id, countryName in craft.commerce.countriesList %}
  <option value="{{ id }}">{{ countryName }}</option>
{% endfor %}

# craft.commerce.countries

Returns an array of Country models.

{% for country in craft.commerce.countries %}
  <option value="{{ country.id }}">{{ country.name }}</option>
{% endfor %}

# craft.commerce.statesArray

Returns an array indexed by country IDs, usable for a dropdown select box.

Data returned as [72:[3:'California', 4:'Washington'],32:[7:'New South Wales']]

{% for countryId, states in craft.commerce.statesArray %}
  <optgroup label="{{ craft.commerce.countriesList[countryId] }}">
    {% for stateId, stateName in craft.commerce.statesArray[countryId] %}
      <option value="{{ stateId }}">{{ stateName }}</option>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

# craft.commerce.states

Returns an array of State models.

{% for states in craft.commerce.countries %}
  <option value="{{ state.id }}">{{ state.name }}</option>
{% endfor %}

# craft.commerce.availableShippingMethods

Returns the shipping methods available to applied to the current cart. Will not include some shipping methods if none of the shipping method’s rules can match the cart.

{% for handle, method in craft.commerce.availableShippingMethods %}
    <input type="radio" 
           value="{{ handle }}"
           {% if handle == cart.shippingMethodHandle %}checked{% endif %}
    <strong>{{ method.name }}</strong> {{ method.amount|currency(cart.currency) }}
{% endfor %}

# craft.commerce.paymentMethods

Returns all payment methods available to the customer.

{% if not craft.commerce.paymentMethods|length %}
  <p>No payment methods available.</p>
{% endif %}

{% if craft.commerce.paymentMethods|length %}
<form method="post" id="paymentMethod" class="form-inline">
  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="commerce/cart/updateCart">
  <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="commerce/checkout/payment">
  {{ getCsrfInput() }}

  <label for="">Payment Method</label>
  <select id="paymentMethodId" name="paymentMethodId" class="form-control" >
      {% for id,name in craft.commerce.paymentMethods %}
          <option value="{{ id }}" {% if id == cart.paymentMethod.id %}selected{% endif %}>
            {{- name -}}
      {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

# craft.commerce.taxCategories

Returns an array of all tax categories set up in the system.

{% for taxCategory in craft.commerce.taxCategories %}
{{ taxCategory.id }} - {{ taxCategory.name }}
{% endfor %}

See Order Status Model

# craft.commerce.productTypes

Returns an array of all product types set up in the system.

{% for type in craft.commerce.productTypes %}
{{ type.handle }} - {{ type.name }}
{% endfor %}

# craft.commerce.orderStatuses

Returns an array of all the Order Status models set up in the system.

{% for status in craft.commerce.orderStatuses %}
{{ status.handle }} - {{ status.name }}
{% endfor %}

# craft.commerce.discounts

Returns an array of all discounts set up in the system.

{% for discount in craft.commerce.discounts %}
{{ discount.name }} - {{ discount.description }}
{% endfor %}

# craft.commerce.getDiscountByCode(code)

Returns a discount that matches the code supplied.

{% set discount = craft.commerce.getDiscountByCode('HALFOFF') %}
{% if discount %}
{{ discount.name }} - {{ discount.description }}
{% endif %}

# craft.commerce.sales

Returns an array of all sales set up in the system.

{% for sale in craft.commerce.sales %}
{{ sale.name }} - {{ sale.description }}
{% endfor %}