Events Reference

This document is for a version of Craft Commerce that is no longer supported. Please refer to the latest version →

# commerce_discounts.onBeforeMatchLineItem

Raised when matching the discount to each line item.

This event will not trigger if the line item’s purchasable is not promotable or is excluded from sale.

# Params

  • lineItem – The Line Item model for the currently tested line item
  • discount – The Commerce_DiscountModel for the currently tested discount
craft()->on('commerce_discounts.onBeforeMatchLineItem', function($event) {
    if ($lineItem->purchasable instanceof Commerce_VariantModel) {
        if ($lineItem->qty < 3) {
            $event->performAction = false;

# commerce_sales.onBeforeMatchProductAndSale

This event will trigger if the product matches the sale.

# Params

  • product – The Product model that matches the sale
  • sale – The Commerce_SaleModel that matches the product
craft()->on('commerce_sales.onBeforeMatchProductAndSale', function($event) {
    $cart = craft()->commerce_cart->getCart();
    if ($cart->isInStoreOrder) {
        $event->performAction = false;

# commerce_payments.onBeforeGatewayRequestSend

Raised before an order is saved.

# Params

  • type – The transaction type authorize,purchase,refund,capture
  • request – The Omnipay Request object (Omnipay\Common\Message\AbstractRequest)
  • transaction – The Transaction model for this request
craft()->on('commerce_payments.onBeforeGatewayRequestSend', function($event){
    $transaction = $event->params['transaction'];
    $transaction->message = 'Transaction declined';
    $event->performAction = false;

Event handlers can prevent the gateway request from happening by setting $event->performAction to false. If you want to give a clear reason, set a message on the transaction model.

# commerce_lineItems.onPopulateLineItem

This event is raised when a line item is getting populated or repopulated from a purchasable.

# Params

  • lineItem – the Line Item model that is getting populated by the line item
  • purchasable – the purchasable that belongs to the line item
craft()->on('commerce_lineItems.onPopulateLineItem', function($event) {
    $purchasable = $event->params['purchasable'];
    $lineItem = $event->params['lineItem'];

    if ($purchasable->getPurchasableId() == 1461) {
        $lineItem->price = 3;
        $lineItem->saleAmount = 0;


craft()->on('commerce_lineItems.onPopulateLineItem', function($event) {
    $purchasable = $event->params['purchasable'];
    $lineItem = $event->params['lineItem'];

    if ($lineItem->options['giftWrapped']) {
        $lineItem->price = $lineItem->price + 1;
        $lineItem->saleAmount = 0;


craft()->on('commerce_lineItems.onPopulateLineItem', function($event)
    $lineItem = $event->params['lineItem'];
    $options = $lineItem->options;

    if (isset($options['customWidth']) && $options['customWidth']) {
        $lineItem->price = $lineItem->price * (int) $options['customWidth'];
        $lineItem->saleAmount = 0;

# commerce_lineItems.onCreateLineItem

This event is raised when a new line item is created from a purchasable.

# Params

  • lineItem – the Line Item model as it has been created and before it has been added to the cart
craft()->on('commerce_lineItems.onCreateLineItem', ['MyClass', 'onCreateLineItemHandlerMethod']);

# commerce_lineItems.onBeforeSaveLineItem

Raised before a line item is saved.

# Params

  • lineItem – the Line Item model getting saved
  • isNewLineItem - true/false if the Line Item is new
craft()->on('commerce_lineItems.onBeforeSaveLineItem', ['MyClass', 'beforeSaveHandlerMethod']);

# commerce_lineItems.onSaveLineItem

Raised when a line item is saved.

# Params

  • lineItem – the Line Item model getting saved
  • isNewLineItem - Whether the line item is new
craft()->on('commerce_lineItems.onSaveLineItem', ['MyClass', 'saveHandlerMethod']);

# commerce_products.onBeforeSaveProduct

Raised before a product is saved.

# Params

  • product – the Product model getting saved
  • isNewProduct - Whether the product is new
craft()->on('commerce_products.onBeforeSaveProduct', ['MyClass', 'beforeSaveHandlerMethod']);

# commerce_products.onSaveProduct

Raised after a product is saved.

# Params

  • product – the Product model getting saved
  • isNewProduct - Whether the product is new
craft()->on('commerce_products.onSaveProduct', ['MyClass', 'saveHandlerMethod']);

# commerce_products.onBeforeDeleteProduct

Raised before a product is deleted.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_products.onBeforeDeleteProduct', ['MyClass', 'beforeDeleteHandlerMethod']);

You can prevent the product from getting deleted by setting $event->performAction to false.

# commerce_products.onBeforeEditProduct

Raised after a product model has been loaded for editing.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_products.onBeforeEditProduct', ['MyClass', 'saveHandlerMethod']);

# commerce_products.onDeleteProduct

Raised after a Product is deleted.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_products.onDeleteProduct', ['MyClass', 'deleteHandlerMethod']);

# commerce_orders.onBeforeSaveOrder

Raised before an order is saved.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_orders.onBeforeSaveOrder', ['MyClass', 'orderBeforeSaveHandlerMethod']);

Event handlers can prevent the order from getting saved by setting $event->performAction to false.

# commerce_orders.onSaveOrder

Raised after an order is saved.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_orders.onSaveOrder', ['MyClass', 'orderSaveHandlerMethod']);

# commerce_orders.onBeforeOrderComplete

Raised before a cart is completed and becomes an order.

# Params

  • order – the Order model for the cart that is about to become an order
craft()->on('commerce_orders.onBeforeOrderComplete', ['MyClass', 'orderCompleteHandlerMethod']);

# commerce_orders.onOrderComplete

Raised when a cart has been turned into an order.

# Params

  • order – the Order model for the cart, which is now a completed order.
craft()->on('commerce_orders.onOrderComplete', ['MyClass', 'orderCompleteHandlerMethod']);

# commerce_payments.onRefundTransaction

Raised after a transaction was attempted to be refunded.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_payments.onRefundTransaction', function($event) {
    $transaction = $event->params['transaction];
    if ($transaction->status == 'success') {
        $transaction->order->orderStatusId = 2;

# commerce_orderHistories.onStatusChange

Raised after the status of an order was changed.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_orderHistories.onStatusChange', ['MyClass', 'orderStatusChangeHandlerMethod']);

# commerce_cart.onBeforeAddToCart

Raised before an item has been saved to the cart for the first time.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_cart.onAddToCart', ['MyClass', 'beforAddToCartHandlerMethod']);

Event handlers can prevent the add to cart by setting $event->performAction to false.

# commerce_cart.onAddToCart

Raised after an item has been added to the cart for the first time.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_cart.onAddToCart', ['MyClass', 'addToCartHandlerMethod']);

# commerce_cart.onRemoveFromCart

Raised after a lineItem has been removed from the cart.

# Params

  • cart – the Order model that the line item was removed from
  • lineItemId – the removed line item’s ID
craft()->on('commerce_cart.onRemoveFromCart', ['MyClass', 'removeFromCartHandlerMethod']);

# commerce_transactions.onCreateTransaction

Raised after a newly created transaction model has been instantiated.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_transactions.onCreateTransaction', function($event) {
    $transaction = $event->params['transaction'];

    // pay half the regular amount
    $transaction->amount /= 2;
    $transaction->paymentAmount /= 2;

# commerce_transactions.onSaveTransaction

Raised after a transaction has been saved.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_transactions.onSaveTransaction', ['MyClass', 'savedTranactionHandlerMethod']);

# commerce_variants.onOrderVariant

Raised after stock has been deducted from a variant.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_variants.onOrderVariant', function($event) {
    $variant = $event->params['variant'];
    if ($variant->stock < 5) {
        Craft::log('Stock Low');

# commerce_emails.onBeforeSendEmail

Raised before a Commerce email is sent.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_emails.onBeforeSendEmail', function($event) {
    // if the order's locale is US English, change the email's From address.
    if ($event->params['order'] && $event->params['order']->orderLocale == 'en_us') {
        $event->params['craftEmail']->fromEmail = '';

# commerce_emails.onSendEmail

Raised after a Commerce email was sent.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_emails.onSendEmail', function($event) {
    // if the order's locale is US English, change the email's From address.
    if ($event->params['order'] && $event->params['order']->orderLocale == 'en_us') {
        $event->params['craftEmail']->fromEmail = '';

# commerce_addresses.onBeforeSaveAddress

Raised before address has been saved.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_addresses.onBeforeSaveAddress', function($event) {
    $address = $event->params['address'];
    $address->addError('firstName', 'Invalid name');
    $event->performAction = false;

Event handlers can prevent the address from getting replaced by setting $event->performAction to false.

# commerce_addresses.onSaveAddress

Raised after an address has been saved.

# Params

craft()->on('commerce_addresses.onSaveAddress', ['MyClass', 'saveAddressHandlerMethod']);