Line Item Statuses

Line item statuses are custom labels that can be applied to an order’s line items.

Unlike the order status, a line item’s status is optional. They have no functional impact on the line item or its order; it simply provides a way to designate status for store managers. It could be used internally or to communicate stock status to the customer—an item being back-ordered, for example.

Add and manage line item statuses per-store by navigating to

  1. Commerce
  2. System Settings
  3. Line Item Statuses
. When choosing New line item status you’ll need to specify a Name, Handle, and optional Color.

A single line item status may also be designated as the Default, meaning new line items will be assigned that status when an order is completed.

Change a line item’s status by choosing Edit for any line item in an order’s edit screen and selecting the new status—or None—and saving the order.

# Templating

You can access the status of a line item to a user via item.lineItemStatus:



{% for item in order.lineItems %}
  {% set status = item.lineItemStatus %}

  {{ item.description }}
  <span class="status-pip status-pip--{{ status.handle }}" title="{{ }}"></span>
  {# ... #}
{% endfor %}