
Craft has no opinions about how you style your front-end. This section covers some basic, broadly-applicable, framework-agnostic solutions for integrating CSS into your project. You’ll find champions of virtually every popular paradigm in our community (opens new window)—from vanilla CSS to Tailwind to CSS-in-JS!

# Adding a Style Sheet

When we first created _layout.twig, it included this line:

{% do'@web/styles.css') %}

This is equivalent to using a plain <link> tag, but it takes care of generating a valid, absolute URL and building the appropriate HTML. You could construct it yourself, like this:

<link href="{{ url('@web/styles.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">

The same tag can be used anywhere in Twig, meaning each template (say, for the individual post pages) can request that a style sheet be added to the final document’s <head>:

{% do'@web/post.css') %}

# Project CSS

Let’s get some baseline styles into the project so we can visualize the structure of our HTML a bit better.

Grab the contents of this file (opens new window) from the tutorial project repository on GitHub and paste them into the web/styles.css file we created at the beginning of the tutorial.

The blog index should now look something like this:
Screenshot of blog page with CSS applied

# Making Styles Dynamic

The example style sheet above includes a couple of rules that help make the global navigation more useful:

nav a {
    color: var(--color-muted);

nav a:hover {
    color: var(--color-base);

The first rule sets a default color (var(--color-muted)) for links in the nav element. The second one combines a :hover “pseudo-selector” and an .active class selector that applies a darker color (var(--color-base)) under certain conditions. Our HTML doesn’t add this class, though! Let’s see what it takes to wire this up, in _layout.twig:




{# Get the first segment of the current URI: #}
{% set navSegment = %}

      <a href="{{ url('blog') }}" class="{{ navSegment == 'blog' ? 'active' : 'inactive' }}">Blog</a>
      <a href="{{ url('about') }}" class="{{ navSegment == 'about' ? 'active' : 'inactive' }}">About</a>

The first highlighted line is a call to one of Craft’s internal functions that looks at the current URI or path. If we were on the /blog/topics/road-trips or /blog pages, for instance, the first “segment” would just be blog. If we were on /about, the first segment would be about.

The second and third highlighted lines add a new class attribute to each anchor tag, and output either active or inactive, using Twig’s ternary operator. You can think of this as a combination of an output tag ({{ ... }}) and a control tag ({% ... %}): the condition is a comparison against the navSegment variable, where a “truthy” result returns the value after the ?, and a “falsey” result returns the value after the :.

Refresh your browser, and see the link automatically highlighted:
Screenshot showing navigation menu with highlighted link

# Matrix Blocks

One thing that our HTML does currently support is different treatment for the blocks in our Post Content field.

Recall that we had a series of if tags that separated output based on each block’s type:





{# Text blocks: #}
<div class="content-block text">{# ... #}</div>

{# Image blocks: #}
<div class="content-block image">{# ... #}</div>

{# Unsupported blocks: #}
<div class="content-block unsupported">{# ... #}</div>

{# Quote blocks (if you implemented them): #}
<div class="content-block quote">{# ... #}</div>

Rules that affect only one block type might look like this:

.content-block.image {
    background-color: #EEE;
    padding: var(--layout-site-gutter);
    transform: rotate(-1deg);

.content-block.unsupported {
    border: 1px dashed var(--color-highlight);
    color: var(--color-highlight);
    padding: var(--layout-site-gutter);
    text-align: center;

These aren’t included in the style sheet, but they can be added just after the other post-specific styles.

# Advanced Styles and Customization

You are in complete control of the HTML that Craft outputs, so there are very few limitations with respect to its structure or substance!

# Variation

In addition to setting flags based on your content, you have access to a bevy of tools and state:

  • Introduce variation with randomization, with the random() and shuffle() functions;
  • Step through values with the cycle() function, inside a loop;
  • Use now and date comparisons to display different content based on the time of day;
  • Let administrators select values in a global set (or on particular entry, category, asset, etc.) to customize the site or page’s appearance;

# Interpolating CSS

While Twig’s primary target is HTML, you are welcome to output variables into a <style> tag within it:

  {# ... #}

    body {
      background-color: {{ theme.backgroundColor | e('css') }};
      color: {{ theme.textColor | e('css') }};

This presumes theme is the handle of a global set that contains two Color fields named Background Color and Text Color.