
This document is for a version of Craft CMS that is no longer supported. Please refer to the latest version →

Craft makes it extremely easy to define translatable strings. From PHP, just wrap the string in Craft::t(), and from the templates, just run the string through the |t filter. Craft will take the string and check if it has been translated into the user’s preferred language.

If your string has a dynamic portion to it, such as “Ingredients in a {cocktail}”, where “{cocktail}” should be replaced by the name of the cocktail you’re currently viewing, just pass a second parameter to Craft::t:

namespace Craft;

$str = Craft::t('Ingredients in a {cocktail}', array(
    'cocktail' => $cocktail->name

You can do the same thing within your templates with the |t filter:

{{ "Ingredients in a {cocktail}"|t({
}) }}

Once your plugin’s strings have been made translatable, users will be able to supply the translations by creating files within their craft/translations folder. See Translating Static Text (opens new window) for the details.