This month's highlights include Dot All recaps, official DDEV support, new sites, and more


You’re reading the inaugural issue of the official Craft CMS newsletter! We’ve decided to retire Craft Link List in favor of a new monthly newsletter on the official letterhead, with the latest official news and interesting updates from the community.

The newsletter is powered by Campaign from Put Your Lights On. It’s an amazing plugin that brings flexible email campaign management right into Craft CMS, complete with support for the full gamut of Craft’s authoring features like custom fields and Live Preview. Highly recommended.

News from Dot All 2022

Community Updates

Tools, Tips, and Fundamentals

Community Spotlight

Thomas Sausen has invited a couple longtime members of the Craft community onto his craftentries podcast:

Featured Sites

New Plugins

New Partners

We’ve recently welcomed five new agencies into our Partner Network and another became Craft Verified:
