Rebrand Assets on Craft Cloud

Craft allows you to customize the control panel and login screens by providing a Site Icon and Login Page Logo via SettingsGeneral.

However, these artifacts are not stored in Craft’s asset system—instead, they’re kept on-disk in your project’s “rebrand” directory. By default, that path is dependent on CRAFT_STORAGE_PATH, but can be set directly using the CRAFT_REBRAND_PATH bootstrap variable.

Any image file in an icon/ or logo/ subdirectory of your rebrand path will be used for the Site Icon and Login Page Logo, respectively—the existence of the file is enough for Craft to discover and display them.

On Craft Cloud, we recommend explicitly setting CRAFT_REBRAND_PATH to a path within your project…

Craft Cloud: Rebrant Path Environment Variable

Prefix the path with @root to ensure it's within your project directory.

…then making sure that path is tracked in your git repository. Rebrand assets must be present when your project is deployed, and they cannot be uploaded to the control panel.

If you use @root/storage/rebrand (and based your project on our craftcms/craft starter project), you don't need to do anything else for Craft to pick up the icons—the storage/rebrand/ folder is already tracked and will be available in the image we build and deploy.

Otherwise, you may need to relocate your assets so they agree with this path. Test your configuration locally by setting CRAFT_REBRAND_PATH in your .env file!

After changing one or more environment variables, Console will remind you to start a deployment to apply the configuration.

Applies to Craft CMS 5 and Craft Cloud.