Fork Unstable Media GmbH

We change the web for the better. At Fork, everything we do we approach from a user’s perspective. We collaborate across disciplines to create meaningful and inspiring experiences. We want to help change the web for the better, one project at a time. Websites are what we’re famous for but with connected devices taking the web to weird places we’ve learned to deal with a spectrum of touchpoints and contexts. Attracting folks’attention, moving them to engage, and winning their hearts and minds in complex and distractive environments, that’s our bread and butter. Since 1996, Fork has been a competitive and congenial partner for businesses, brands, shops, cultural institutions and nonprofits alike.

Work with Fork Unstable Media GmbH
  • Brand Strategy
  • Digital Storytelling
  • UX/UI
  • Web-Design
  • Content-Design
  • Digital Branding
  • SoMe-Apps & Campaigns
  • Digital Campaigns
  • Future-Friendly Systems
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Publishing platforms
  • Mobile Applications
  • Creative Technology
  • Online Shops
  • Web-Application