We’re excited to announce that Craft Commerce 3.0 is here! New features include:
Back-end order editing It’s now possible to create and edit orders right from your Craft control panel (Pro edition only).
GraphQL support. You can now query for your Craft Commerce products via GraphQL.
Customer management. Manage all of your store’s customers in one place, and see all the orders they’ve made.
Customer communication. It’s now possible to email your customers from Edit Order pages, without changing the order’s status.
New Dashboard widgets. Craft Commerce 3 comes with 10 new Dashboard widgets, so you can get a quick look at your store’s revenue, order info, and more, right when you visit your control panel.

Lots more. Check out the changelog to read the full release notes.
Commerce 3 requires the just-released Craft 3.4. See the upgrade documentation for instructions on how to upgrade your existing store.
We hope you like it!